Men of Reddit, when was the last time you hugged someone and how did it feel?

  1. I’m not a big hugger. But I get that some people really seem to appreciate it, so I do it for their benefit mostly

  2. Hugged my gran this afternoon,. Felt sad due to watching her fade away quite quickly and knowing she won’t be here long

  3. Like last month when I hugged a chick that we’re in that weird more then friends, less than lovers relationship.

  4. Hugged my dad a couple days ago when I went back home after my Christmas visit. I’ll see him again in a couple weeks when he helps me move so it ain’t a big deal.

  5. Does my kid count? I hug her multiple times a day.

    I hugged a friend last night.

    Hugged my girlfriend when I saw her on Monday.

  6. A minute or two ago, my daughter came up and wanted on. Hugs are nice but it’s just a casual and common show of affection, my emotional world didn’t move or anything.

  7. My eldest daughter hugged me just a few minutes ago. Felt great! Nothing quite like being appreciated by a little person you’re helping to grow into a big person.

  8. Earlier today I hugged my date goodbye. It felt a little duplicitous. She’s perfectly good on the inside, and her body is great, but her face is…not. I wonder whether we should continue seeing each other, but I promised her a free dance lesson!

  9. Higged my wife thisbmorning before i went to work. My daily routine. Felt good wanted to fuck, but had to leave 🙁

  10. It was my gf.

    Pretty sure I didn’t really feel anything.

    I kinda feel like I don’t like to be touched tbh.

    I love her and all but you know if I’m being honest… Not really a fan of the whole hugging and kissing crap.

    You know if I was feeling frisky than it would be a different story but ya know I’m not.

  11. About 5 years ago? It was kinda awkward because she had hugged everyone else but me and after someone else pointed that out she reluctantly hugged me

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