This happens quite often and it’s just getting a bit boring now, I’d ask a girl out via text after talking for a a few days/weeks. Often they’d say yes, but then just completely kill off the conversation after a few days and ghost me..

Like idk what it is, there’s nothing about my texting game that gives off the vibe that they can’t be honest, I just don’t understand why saying no isnt option? Why say yes get my hopes up then just ghost.

Could it something I’m doing or is this generation just a bit skewed? Would like to know if anyone’s experienced the same

  1. Modern online dating has devolved from what dating once was. Now that everyone is a face on a screen before they’re ever *really* a person it’s easy for people to treat it like a game: what matters is you, try and make as many matches as you can, and if it’s not fun don’t bother.

    Try not to take it personally, as frustrating as it might be. At the end of the day, you might be getting stood up but they’re the ones who will bear the burden of their terrible attitude.

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