Women of reddit! How many weeks of every monthly cycle do you actually feel sane/good?

  1. All of them? Unless I don’t feel good or sane, but that is not period related. Maybe you want to see a doctor if yours is bothering you that much?

  2. I have PMDD and a short cycle so I don’t feel good a lot of the time and I have a few days every month where I battle suicidal thoughts because of it, so that’s lots of fun 😣

  3. I feel you! I used to have really bad PMS syndrome.

    There are good books you can read that detail how the cycle works and how you can feel better in each stage. One I read was titled *The Optimised Woman*. Another was titled *Red Moon*. John Gray has also written about it I think in *Beyond Mars and Venus*. They really helped me minimise my episodes during the luteal phase.

    The basic idea is throughout the menstrual cycle you need different things depending on your hormone levels. If you try to “force” yourself to be a certain way when your body is in another stage you’ll suffer, but if you go with the flow it will be easier and you will feel good all month.

  4. All of them. Period has zero impact on me. Absolutely no pain, cramps or mood swings. I maybe am a little hornier than usual the day before my period, but I’m usually pretty horny so that isn’t unusual. My periods last three days.

  5. Period doesn’t make me feel bad except when thinking of my ex like the week before or of. Other than that I’m fine

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