I’m getting into dating and I just had to ask. If you were getting to know someone and there’s an attraction would you care if she asked you out? I’m really tempted to sign up for some activities that I want to try and if I see a guy there I liked would it really be that weird to just ask him out on a date?

  1. Not weird, but if he’s not attracted to you, prepare for a soft/hard rejection, depending on how much of an asshole he is.

  2. Wait y’all can do that? Well sht… I’d gladly welcome the request. I haven’t spoke to a woman about anything other than the weather in years 🫣

  3. I’m a 39 y/o man, and literally most of my relationships have been woman-initiated. (As in…90% of my relationships.) I keep finding it surprising that women ask this and that men, women, anyone finds it unusual. It’s not just that most of my relationships start that way, but all the marriages I go to are of couples where the woman initiated the relationship. Where the woman pursued the man.

    The only caveat I would add, given your question and some of the responses, is that these women generally don’t ask me out, if I’m being completely honest. Sometimes they do, but more often they just pursue me and make it plain as day that I need to ask them out. This is the best way to do that. If a woman and I get to that point–talking, flirting, whatever–if both parties are feeling it, then there’s no chance of rejection at that point. And it’s easy by then anyway. Just take one of his comments (I love this movie, I love this hiking spot, bar, whatever), and all you have to do is say: Omg, I’ve never been to that place, but I’d love to try it. (Or else, I love that place but haven’t been for a minute.) And let him ask you out from there. At that point, he literally just has to say, Hey, let’s do it. What are you doing this Saturday, etc. If you have a common hobby or activity as a starting point, this should be even easier. Happy hunting.

  4. Some guys might mind. Personally, I think it’s cool to do that. Especially if it’s the type of person that is a bet dense when it comes to signs or doesn’t want to misread the situation (ie. misconstruing kindness for interest).

  5. It depends on how you do it a gentle low key approach may work I personally would love it if a girl asks me out

  6. No, I would not at all he offended or weirded out. If he liked you, he would say yes. If not, he would say no and you can look elsewhere!

  7. If a girl asked me out, I would be on cloud 9 for the rest of the week, tbh. I think thats something that most guys will probably never experience.

  8. The woman I’ve been dating asked me out on the first date and I thought it was awesome. Even though we connected on a dating app and were talking for a week or so – meaning a certain level of attraction/interest was implied – I still have a built in fear of misreading things and making a fool of myself. Her asking me out dispelled it entirely and instantly made me feel more comfortable talking to her. Honestly I thought it was a really attractive quality. Things are currently going great, we take turns making plans, but I’m really glad she took mercy on me and made that first move.

    So to answer your question, absolutely go for it. There’s always the risk of rejection, but that’s the reality of how this works regardless.

  9. I’ve always been extremely flattered being asked out. Now, I’m a 53M, I can remember fondly every woman who asked me out. Set boundaries and have fun.

    There is a chance of rejection. Do be ready.

    Good luck!

  10. Over half the girls I’ve dated (in my 40s) have asked me out originally

    If anything I’d wager most guys wouldn’t mind at all, albeit many will probably be shocked when it happens since it’s Not common

  11. No it wouldn’t be weird at all. Question, if a guy was turned off by you asking, is that the kind of guy you want to be with? In other words, if asking for what you want is being true to yourself, why care about guys who are bothered by that? Is that someone you would want to be in a relationship with?

  12. **Q: Would it be “weird” or somehow off-putting if a woman asks somebody out during a common activity or whatnot?**

    **A:** Are you serious? Being this forward as a woman is such an uncommon yet *assertive gesture* that it’s likely to get you dates with guys seemingly more attractive than you. Please, start going up to guys and asking them out. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how effective you’ll be 👌🏼

  13. I wouldn’t mind if a girl asks me out. To me, it shows effort, and that she’s interested, and having the guts to ask me out is something I’d appreciate. If anything, I kind of would prefer for a woman to ask me out since I’m a little bit on the shyer side lol

    And additionally, I have never been asked out by a woman before, so having a woman ask me out would be something totally new to me.

    If a guy ever rejects you, then it is what it is. Move on and try again. It’s not the end of the world if a guy rejects you.

  14. I’d absolutely welcome it. You might get rejected sometimes, but most guys who get actually weirded out are bizarre in the first place.

  15. Most men will say they love it when women making the first move. This sounds like there is a high chance to go out with him if you ask.

    The concern is whether you are attractive for him. If he is a hot guy, most likely you will get a rejection, be ready for it.

  16. Honestly, no. If a woman I was interested in decided to ask me out, I’d be happy with it.

  17. This is a joke right? Obviously that would be awesome, a great confidence booster and you get a date.

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