It’s Tuesday and you have no plans for the evening after work, going out for a few drinks with a buddy sounds like an ordeal because you’re working tomorrow morning and you are a bit tired and nothing catches your attention on Netflix. What do you do to combat the boredom until it’s time to go to sleep?

  1. Read?
    Work out?
    Play a sport?

    I’ve never been bored. When I lived in a city I used to just go for a walk but the suburbs are awful for that

  2. This used to be something that made me dread going home, but then I started filling those nights with things that’ll improve myself.

    Practice your cooking skills, learn new recipes, meal prep for the week.

    Is there an instrument you’ve always wanted to learn how to play? I started learning to play the piano.

    Find a hobby you enjoy, I love gardening, it’s a great use of my free time.

    Exercise regularly.

    Have you considered getting a pet? My dog gives me an excuse to leave the house on the weekends and take her to the park.

  3. Appreciate time to yourself , learn to enjoy your own company , I know that sounds stupid but I have two kids and I envy you 😁

  4. I exercise at a gym (weights/class). Bowling league on Tuesdays. Go on bad dates. Netflix.

  5. When I didn’t have kids, I spent my free time reading comics, hiking, doing martial arts, and playing D&D.

    Now that I have kids, I don’t have free time. Kidding! I spend my free time playing with the kids, helping them with homework, exploring the nearby woods and showing them nature, and more. When I don’t have my kids, I spend time playing board games with friends.

  6. I’m think there must be an extrovert vs introvert thing going on here?

    For extroverts I think some of these suggestions may not work because they are craving interactions? I’d have to then suggest sports teams, meet-ups and other social activities

    I’m more on the introvert side so I don’t think Ive ever been bored. Maybe a bit lonely but not bored because I go deep into thinking about stuff for hours on end alone

  7. I have either jujitsu or an online Spanish class every week night. Occasionally will skip them both and relax with a book or movie.

  8. Hobbies. Especially creative hobbies. It depends on what sounds like “Oh hell yeah, i’d love to do this!” to you. If you find something that makes you excited, well, of course right now you might not know how to achieve or do it, but that’s where everyone starts. And if you can’t find anything, just try things out and find out what you might like (because DOING things will be much better in this regard than thinking about things).


    Usually you want to have a bigger purpose behind things – i.e. a defined goal and not just a hobby for the sake of killing time. You wanna have nice pictures of yourself or friends? Get into photography, a smartphone camera & a free photoeditor will do for the start. You always loved a specific genre of music? Get a simple DAW like Caustic 3 on your smartphone and try to make a song. A friend or a place you know has a great meal you’d love to know how to cook? Get the recipe or try to recreeate it yourself. You want a custom made Lamp for your home? You want to make your own Jacket? You want to ride a mountainbike? You want to see you favourite band live? You always wanted to visit a certain place? Well….

    And the list goes on. YOU have to find YOUR reasons to do something. How you gonna do it will be another story (full of failures!), but first of all you need to figure out what drives you. There’s enough choices, and I guess that’s part of the problem: It’s hard to decide what’s gonna be worth the effort for you. However, you won’t find that out if you don’t try.

    Hope that helps a little and also shows you that the situation you’re in is not super extra, it’s (from what I have observed) super common and easy to get stuck “not having antything to do” when alone.

  9. Video games, civilisation 6 can eat away hours in what feels like a few in game seconds. Or hook up with some buddies on Xbox live and die a thousand deaths on pubg, but at least you can slob in your sweat pants sprawled out on the sofa and talk shit for a few hours 🙂

    My other time sink is photography, takes some snaps at the weekend and spend your weeknights editing them in lightroom etc

  10. Things i would do in my evenings if i didn’t have three young children who sap every spare minute of my life;

    * Workout in the evening instead of 5am
    * Spend more than 5 minutes per week on my woodworking project
    * Train a martial art (probably Judo)
    * Actually turn up to Rugby training
    * Take a night class in something practical – welding or machining
    * Go to the cinema
    * Work into the evening every now and then to beat the backlog
    * Play squash


  11. I’m never bored. Find a hobby or join a Meetup. There’s a community out there, you just have to reach out.

  12. Go to bed early and then get up early. Use that morning time to entertain yourself.

  13. This is an interesting one for me I guess.

    I play a lot of games on PC, watch netflix or youtube, browse reddit or watch twitch, but essentially all of my afterwork activity happens at my computer. I’ll often go for one or two 5km walks each night as well. My friends are pretty liberal with their time so its not hard to find time for a weeknight dinner/drinks, I don’t have to be up super early so I’m not worried about a late night. Once a fortnight I’ll go out for a movie and once a week I play basketball

    But I do wonder if I’ll grow bored of this and end up settling with someone just because of the boredom, or alternatively I’ll push someone great away in an attempt to protect my current habits.


  14. I go for walks by myself in a park, play some video games, read a book or draw to pass the time if netflix or hulu doesnt keep my interest.

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