I don’t have any problem asking out guys(not that I have asked out a guy but think it would be pretty easy). But I can’t talk to the opposite qt all. I have really talked to a girl cause I never needed to. But It’s kinda scary I can’t converse with half the population. They just seem so different. I just don’t want to look loke a creep or a rapist.

I’m bisexual by the way.

  1. There is no one way to ask a girl out. You can ask her out in person, over the phone, or through text message. If you are asking her out on a date, be sure to pick a place that you think she will enjoy and be comfortable with.

  2. Ask them if they want to grab coffee or drinks and just ask them about themselves. If they ask you about yourself answer them honestly and enthusiastically. It really is as easy as that. If they don’t like what you have to say, then it wasn’t going to work anyway. It can be more difficult if the person you ask out is shy, I find it a lot harder to date someone who doesn’t talk

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