what really separates a woman from other women, especially if you are in the top 30% of men?

  1. Same that separates some men from other men. Either they are ‘playing the game’ type people, or they aren’t.

  2. in America There is no definitive answer to this question. However, some factors that could contribute to separating a woman from other women include: her looks, her personality, her intelligence, her achievements, and her ability to attract and keep a man’s attention.

  3. As someone in the top 30% of men, probably ambition. I love women who are willing to work hard towards something like a business, their career, or a hobby.

  4. As a top 5% man, what makes a woman stand out for me is:

    1. Feminine (not feminism)
    2. Kindness/friendly
    3. Fit (a little curvy is okay, not obese)
    4. Pretty
    5. Submissive
    6. Not obsessed with her job/career
    7. Loves sex/being naughty

  5. Authenticity, inquisitiveness, intelligence, health activities, good form and hygiene, faithfulness, good sense of humor, monogamous sexuality, positive attitude.

  6. To me one of the main factors is self-knowledge. This is a core component (both cause and consequence) of many things that I find attractive.

  7. Separates woman for what context?

    And why should my status have anything to do with how and why the women get separated?

    How much money I make should have no bearing on the answer to this question.

  8. Advanced-Confection2 is the name of OPs new pastry related, MLM startup. Because after much self reflection and a real moment that happened during a quick tarot card reading with their best friend, Eel, they finally realized that they can’t possibly be the reason Advanced-Confection1 was a total failure.

  9. Trust me when I say this: based on your comments alone, you have none of the qualities a man wants, wealthy or otherwise.

    Now go ahead and prove what I’m saying with one of your shit-end replies.

  10. Say you want a man with money. Without saying you want a man with money. Honestly the question is too general. Most men understand that in general women want a man with resources. I think deep down inside most women know a man needs to be attracted to a woman for there to be any chance of progress. So I’ll give a few generalizations. You’ll have to be the guy’s cup of tea. I don’t know any man that likes drama. So your interactions will have to be drama free and peaceful. Men hate the games you all enjoy playing. I’ve never met a guy that thinks you all eating off his plate is cute. Personally I hate it. Be easy to get along with. Everything isn’t worth a fight. Be self sufficient. Even if your end goal is to be taken care of. Now here’s a few for you. Go clean your social media up and I mean like your pastor is about to check it. There’s nothing worse than meeting a woman with a trashy social media. What do I mean by that? Twerking videos. Taking pictures with your butt facing the camera. Half naked pictures. Drunk in public. Too many followers and the list is a sausage fest. Men like exclusivity. Which means other guys can’t even think they have a chance. Last but not least never spell out exactly what makes you tick. Because a snake oil salesman will just be that to cross the finish line. Of course dating goals are fine to talk about. Good luck.

  11. Wether or not they just talk about themselves or ask about you. 95% of women will talk about themselves on a date the other 5% will show interest and ask you questions.

  12. receptionist who isnt ambitious herself and failed when it comes to career and money is now tired of living the life she made for herself and panicking at being 30, seeks an ambitious man to come and rescue her and give her the life she couldnt give herself. that about right?

    why would a top 30% man want a bottom 30% woman? what are YOU bringing to the table? hes ambitious and successful but you arent so whats in it for him? nothing much it seems

  13. She’s good-looking, kind, has a sense of humor, makes a home a home. Basically she needs to be in the top 30% of women too

    Judging by your comments and post history, I don’t think you are nowhere near that top 30%. Good luck finding a sugar daddy

  14. Are you looking for high income so he can buy you things you want?

    Unhealthy relationship goals from the start.

  15. the gap between them usually separates them pretty well i don’t think they can actually be in the same space at the same time without some drastic reprecussions

  16. What seperates women?

    Personality and values, they cant be faked to a smart guy by the way.

    Work ethic cant be faked, its how i judge character frankly. While you may be struggling, I assure you based on your values alone that you’ve expressed, it wont work, maybe in the short term, but even if you divorced a guy and took half his stuff, you’d squander it.

    Thank you.

  17. Someone who has already done the work on themselves, who works for what they want, and is interested in true partnership. Learn how to live, don’t just create an aspirational dream life.

  18. Based on OP’s comments, she’s looking for the top 30% of income earners. That’s fair.

    What separates a woman from others, at least in my eyes, is honesty, enthusiasm, and a positive demeanor. This is assuming she checks all the other boxes.

    If she is so lucky to find a top income earner, she will realize that his time comes at a premium and there will be stresses that are all ever-present in his life at all times. Use that information accordingly and be a source of joy and love – especially one that can assist with daily tasks.

  19. It kind of comes off as a gold-digger post, but I will go ahead and answer. I am married now, but what was important for me was intelligence, drive, a sense of humor, above average looks, and the ability to have some fun. The ability to have fun, the looks, and sense of humor are fairly easy to come by, so it came down to the drive and intelligence. I wanted someone that had goals and desires in life, and was actively working towards them. I wanted someone that would be successful with or without me. The “whole” of the relationship needed to be greater than the individual parts.

    Someone that felt like the deserved something, needed to constantly be taken care of, or added drama to your life, need not apply.

  20. Looks like you’re getting creamed out here.

    Anyways, unlike all the whiny pukes in your comment section I will say that there is a real difference in compatibility with people who are at different rungs in our social hierarchy.

    I don’t know how you define the top 30% but I would say education, attractiveness, and behavior. Not in any order. But money would be lower than the 1st 3.

    We all have different expectations but I’d say expectations are higher at the higher end of the social ladder.

    You can argue whether or not the social ladder should exist. All I’m saying is that it does.

    I mean a top 30%er is not going to shack up with a crack whore right?

    Downvote away

  21. You are going to get downvoted to hell and back in this sub. First, Top 30% is not a lot of money. For reference, top 0.1% is ~3M a year, 1% is 830k per year, top 5%, 342k, and top 10% is 173K. Top 30% is 70k and is also average for a working professional.

    I will do my best to answer you in good faith. I am in my 40’s, I am over 6ft and I am 1% wage earner. I am good looking, I am in good shape, and I take care of myself physically and mentally.

    Among my peers there generally is two groups. The group that is just looking for smoking hot woman to bang and have fun for a little while, then drop them and get a new one (Or two), or the men that are looking for a wife/partner. I am going to assume you are looking for the later; Here is my list that I would say the overwhelming majority would agree with:


    * Intelligent, well read, and educated (This is easily the most important)
    * Kind, well spoken, feminine, honest, and well mannered. Basically, a good person.
    * Good looking, a healthy weight, in good shape, and exercises regularly.
    * Financially responsible
    * 25-45 years old.
    * Absolutely no single mothers.
    * Does not have a large social media presence and lives privately. (Any form of influencer is instantly a deal breaker).
    * No history of thirst trap pics barely wearing anything (Normal vacation pictures are fine, but you are posing in a bikini for the express purpose of putting on social media, I’m out)
    * Does not have and has never had an onlyfans or any other form of porn.
    * Is not and never has been promiscuous with a low “body count”. I am looking for someone who only has a history of serial long-term relationships, and only having sex in those long term committed LTR’s. No FWB’s, No ONS, no short-term relationships, no “hoe phase”
    * Generally, nothing in your past that would impact the present or future. If you start living a higher profile life, nothing that my family, peers, boards, investors, media, or employees are going to pull up out of your past that will make my life harder.

  22. She is both attractive and desirable to be around, the last part is key since most women don’t meet that criteria at least long term even though they can fake it to get your interest initially.

  23. Every man with money is used to parrying people coming to get it in one way or another. If you want them to be interested in you, demonstrate interest in the man, not the money. Think of it like a beautiful woman looking for someone interested in their mind rather than their body.

  24. I have been very lucky meeting and dating exceptional women over the years. (I have no idea what they see in me, but) what stands out to me is intelligence, both intellectual capacity and street smarts. That means that they understand the world and how to live in it. They take care of their mind, their soul and their body. What really stands out to me is someone who has done the work to grow as a person over time: that’s about tenacity, compassion and kindness, openness, wonder, and curiosity.

  25. IDK if I can be defined by the top 30% of men if were talking the average of qualities or whatever quantifiers one would use to define “Top”… but I’ll try to answer at least.
    Drive, humor, punctual, and of course the more general ones like honesty, doesn’t cheat, and all the others.

  26. Bleh, I just want a nice relationship with a nice man who has a job and we actually like each other. Lol

  27. OP says top 30% but when she learned that top 30% of male earners are at 70k a year her next reply is OK what about 1mil a year 😀

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