men on reddit, what’s you favorite type of steak?

  1. Tomahawk!

    Also called bone-in ribeye. It cooks wonderfully if you slow roast it due to the higher fat content. Then stick it in a good cast iron skillet to sear mix the juices with just a little bit of garlic butter.

    You can split it three ways even if you’re hungry.

  2. Not terribly picky about the cut. If I’m splurging a little bit, and just getting a steak for myself (ie wife is going out to dinner, or I have a day off alone for breakfast) I will get a small wagyu ribeye from my local fancy grocery store. Typically, though I’ll eat pretty much any cut if it’s cooked well.

  3. Black diamond steak. In Vermont, it’s fucking delightful. It’s since been ruined by big “meat” manufacturers, but VT. Black Diamond steak reigns supreme here.

  4. Rump.

    Post workout I’ll have two on their own and just sear them.

    If I’m making a more complete meal, medium rare, peppercorn sauce with homemade potato wedges and a side salad.

  5. Yes. Rare. Basically, it needs to have stopped mooing. Though I’m willing to be flexible there if it is just mooing quietly.

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