edit: truthfully*

  1. Never, like not even once. This is for two reasons:
    1. Because I’m very shy and saying things like “I love you” or “You mean a lot to me” are very awkward and embarrassing to me.
    2. I don’t love them.

  2. I’ve told family members I love them one time when I was in rehab. Only time I’ve ever told friends I love them was when drinking copious amounts of alcohol. Just not really a thing that’s normally said

  3. Never ever to friends.
    I tell my mom almost every time I talk on the phone with her (she lives far away).

    Edit: I just realized I have a wife and a kid, I tell them every day

  4. Friends never. Family always except my dad. I really should more but hes a bit of a dick.

  5. Never. Growing up my family didn’t really say I love you much so it seems like over the top to say it to anyone. My dad would say it to his wife and vis versa but that’s about it

  6. My dad never told me he loved me verbally for the longest time. My dad is a grizzly Adam’s kind of guy. He always too care of us and we knew he loved us, it was implied with the kind things he did. Were obviously older now, he got really sick, almost died. Spent 9 months in intensive care. Nobody saw this coming because he was always a beast of a man. That illness ravaged his body. I used to call once a year maybe, now I call every week and I broke down crying after he said I love you for the first time. It still catches me off guard a year later. Don’t ever take people for granted.

  7. I tell my friend that I love her every day and if and when I talk to my sister’s I tell them that I love them too.

  8. Never. It’s simply isn’t the norm in my culture. We show our love with action, not words.

  9. As regularly as I can. It’s usually weekly or every two weeks it seems. Not to be totally forward every day but a reminder that I’m thinking of them.

  10. My kids and Mrs every single day without fail, even if I argue with my Mrs.

    My mum every time we see each other or end a phone call.

    My best mate when he needs picking up if he’s been down.

  11. My mom and brother maybe 3 times in our lives. We silently love each other each time we vocalized it me and my brother turned into emotional messes so we stopped doing that.

  12. Probably not often enough but then I’m also not one of those people who say it all the time either.
    Overuse diminishes the purpose and then just becomes something that people say as a matter of habit rather than an expression of feeling.

  13. Never, actually. When my mom tells me that she loves me, I reply that I love her too. But I would never get the idea myself.

    When I think of love, I actually think of a sexual relationship with a partner, not family members or friends.

  14. Never. It’s something my family never did. I don’t think we’re going to start any time soon.

  15. Probably not often enough, but I try to say it every now and then. Mostly I give small gifts to show my affection.

  16. Never. But I guess “I love you” has a different vibe in English than in some other languages. It’s too strong of a phrase in my language.

  17. Mum & Dad: probably during every goodbye hug (so normally once every couple of weeks or so).

    Most friends: only when drunk (also during goodbye hugs).

  18. My only friends are my family and I tell them I love them almost every time we talk or have a text convo and certainly every time I see them.

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