I’ve been with the same gig for over 8 years and love my day to day, but am really unhappy with the changes management has been implementing recently on the advice of our new HR manager. Such we lost accrued PTO to move to an unlimited plan without a buy out originally, and only announcing it after the start of the new year once the new policy was already in affect. I had a full years worth carry over and they basically were going to say tough sh1t it’s gone, but backtracked when several senior employees threatened to quit. So a 25% buyout as given , better than nothing but still not employee centric that management claims to be. In addition, HR has also recommended several times to cut our benefits package to save money. Management has since not implemented anything this year but am fearful of what the future brings as they may phase it in next year.

So I started looking just to see what was out there and found a great gig at one of our customers that several former employees have gone to work for. I know our management team has basically told this customer that if any other employees leave to work for them there will be some tough discussions on continued use of my current employers’ services, which are critical for the customers business.

I don’t want to damage the relationship but am tired of the HR constantly advice being $$ driven without good communication with the rest of us employees.

I have the offer letter in hand for the new gig at the customer and they don’t seem too worried about it. Am I being too paranoid here?

  1. >I don’t want to damage the relationship

    What relationship? The one where they give you money in exchange for your time. You’re over thinking it. You current employer sounds crappy. Try a new one.

  2. That unbroadcasted PTO shift alone is enough reason to bail. You might have friends there but your company doesn’t actually care about you so do what’s best for you.

  3. Fuck that noise. You give them 8 years and they want to yank your accrued benefits? Those benefits are compensation you should receive for your work. This ship isn’t turning around, and before you think of it don’t do that “I’ll stay if you match this offer…”

    You don’t owe them anything, in fact, sounds like they owe you 75% of your pto. Maybe say you’ll stay if they paid that out then leave. Seriously fuck employers like this

    Lastly that business relationship is not your relationship. Your business is to get the best pay and benefits you can from your experience and knowledge for you (and your family if applicable).

    And don’t forget when they fuck something up after you’ve left and ask you to come back to help, quote them as a consultant and get that paper.

  4. So let me get this straight. If you leave to this other company, your company (who is apparently shit) is going to drop them as a customer? Because your company sucks? Is that some kind of threat? The other company should say ‘fuck you’ and take all your employees. Surely they can find a new service provider. They think they can hold this other company hostage? That just shows how shit your company is.

    Oh and also, you don’t have to tell your company where you are going and the other company doesn’t have to tell your company that you now work there. Maybe you will interact with your current coworkers so it’s impossible to hide.

  5. Do whatever is best for you. Most companies don’t give a damn about their employees and I’m certain the other business can find another company to use for whatever they need if it comes to that. It’s not your responsibility to take care of either of these companies unless you own them, it’s your responsibility to better your life.

  6. I honestly don’t even understand the question here. It seems like you’re saying “should i stay at a job that just shit all over me and is definitely gonna keep getting worse, or should i go somewhere better where they’ll pay me more money and there are no other consequences to me?”

  7. I’m genuinely curious if that PTO move was even legal. Like, that accrued time was **yours** and they didn’t give any advanced notice. How is that not wage theft?

    Also, you should leave. For all the reasons you rattled off and because your reasons to stay are lousy.

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