Yesterday i was walking with my lil bro and passed by a group of people (around 6 guys). They started just mocking me as i walked pass them, i didn’t want to start a fight because they were way older and bigger than me in size and number and i know i would’ve lost. Please tell what i should’ve done in that situation cus i went back home and I’m still thinking about it

  1. What were they mocking you for? Just ignore it. Think about something else and keep walking.

  2. You did the right thing. Just ignore them. You showed your brother that you do not have to react to everything. Those guys were being jerks. Just move on v

  3. You did the right thing by walking straight past and heading home. That takes a lot of courage, so we’ll done!
    Don’t give them the satisfaction of reacting to them. It’s not worth it and those 6 guys sound like pathetic bullies with nothing better to do.
    You most definitely did the right thing keeping you and your little brother safe. Not to mention you are showing him good choices. You are his role model after all.👏🏻
    Definitely speak to your family if you still feel shaken up and worried. 🙏🏻

  4. I think you did great. They’re just some random insecure guys. No normal person actually would act like them, so it’s not like their opinion has any value. Distract yourself with something fun!

  5. You did the right (and smart) thing by ignoring them. Often people like that are looking to instigate a fight, especially in that scenario where they have an advantage. Don’t give them the satisfaction.

  6. Unless these people have a direct impact on your life they don’t matter. Their existence means nothing and their words have zero weight. If they were all hit by a bus and ceased to exist your life would continue on without an issue.

    So people who have no hold on you and your future, have no control over you. Think of all situations in that regard. Do these people matter, do they have any impact in my life at all. If the answer is no then no word coming from their mouth means anything, They’re like a mote of dust drifting in the desert, their lives are infinitely meaningless compared to yours.

  7. Just ignore them or laugh with them😅 that’s what I try to do nowadays, but I understand how you feel cause I used to be like that aswell, think too much about what people said or thought about me. They might’ve not even been mocking u, but if they were, there’s no reason to start feeling bad about yourself or anything, rather feel bad for them, cause they are the ones with the bigger problems if they mock strangers in their face like that🤷‍♂️❤️

  8. Just know not one of them would say shit to you if they were alone, they feel confident because they are in a pack and that pack was bigger than yours. It’s not worth a reaction or a fight because they wouldn’t have fought fair.

  9. How people treat others say more about THEM than anyone else. Those people showed how awful and insecured they are. Ignore them and seek support from family and friends. Share with your family what you faced, so they are aware of this

  10. Walk past and keep going. 6 dudes is a dangerous situation. The only time you should ever have to fight is when you have no other choices. Fights can be deadly and end badly very quickly. Life isn’t like the movies where everyone can be smacked constantly and be alright. Sometimes one punch to the head is enough to kill, so only fight if someone gives you no other choice and then don’t hold back.

  11. A couple of times I’ve gotten a round of applause and only found out later why. Luckily, the first time, I was with my friend who was a lead singer. He knows about performing. He whispered “Quick! Take a bow!” So I did. He said to always take a bow at an unexpected round of applause, “rather than stand there like a lemon”.

    I suspect this would be good advice in your situation too. Look at them. Big cheery smile. Take off your hat if you have one. Stretch out your arms to both sides and bow from the waist. A big wave and walk off. Don’t look back.

    They must think something about you is very entertaining, so act like an entertainer.

  12. They win by their rules (being offensive) and you win by your rules (staying calm). You also have the moral advantage. Not a bad outcome.

  13. You did absolutely the right thing. You have to be careful with interacting with strangers these days because so many people seem to have something to prove.

    Do you want to be right or do you wanna go home?

  14. Those guys are jerks, it’s not worth fighting with idiots, they only bring you down to their level.

  15. Ignore them. They’re probably doing it to everyone. I doubt they’ve singled you out for any particular reason.

  16. Just ignore the NPCs, or have a chuckle because a group of dudes got nothing going on but standing around people watching. You got places to go, things to do, responsibilities. You’re winning here, they’re losers.

  17. Should you find yourself in a situation like this again, do not flinch.

    You’re being laughed at by the crumbs of society thinking they know something when they scratch their balls before they shake hands with strangers.

    If anyone else saw them, they would’ve thought ‘why are those people laughing?’ They’ve accomplished nothing but releasing the hot air that would’ve come out their butts.

    Sign up for a martial arts class now if you want to really do something about it. And the next time this occurs, when you’re prepared for a fight you can tell them whatever you want.

  18. why are they laughing? sound like idiots but how and why would they do that to a random person? honestly dont worry about it and remember – dont take criticism from anyone you wouldnt take advice from.

  19. It’s important to pick ur battles, I second basically wat most ppl said, pick ur battles tho, not everything is worth fighting over, plus u have to keep in mind that they were in a group..ppl are wayyyy more tough in a group then they are by themselves. I guarantee if u had saw one of them alone, that wouldn’t have happened. Some ppl are jus assholes. That’s it. lol u keep going tho, don’t let their bullshit rub off on u.

  20. I would just keep walking and let them talk their shit because you know they ain’t gonna say shit to you one on one. It’s not worth it honestly

  21. You got home alive & unscathed, sounds like you did exactly what you should have done. Don’t make *their* issues *your* burden.

  22. Might be a good time to recognize the type that would openly mock passers by. Normal people do not do this. You did the right thing. Choose your battles.

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