[ if there is any grammar mistake then sorry, english is not my first language. ]

since I was little, my older brother and I had a beautiful relationship, we joked, played, watched tv together etc… Until he found a girlfriend and decided to get engaged. He’s always out for his girlfriend and goes out with her every day, never stays at home with me or my parents and sisters, always out, and rarely comes to eat with us. Sometimes he talks to me but only for 1 second then he walks away to his girlfriend, he never talks to me. I wish things were like before. What should I do?

TLDR; my brother ignores me since he has a girlfriend, I wish things were like before

  1. Please understand there is a big age gap between you. Unfortunately you might not be as close over time because you to are at different points in your life. That doesn’t mean your relationship has diminished. It is just changing.
    And change happens, it is okay.
    Your brother is trying to start his own life now. He’s at the age where he might start thinking about his own family. You have to be respectful of that. But know this doesn’t change his feeling for you. But it can change the time y’all have together. Cherish what you have. Also know, as you get older too and you start getting transition to different points in life where his life might line back up, your time with him could change again.

    This happens with growing up. We have to except it or we are going to hurt. We cannot cling onto the past. Just keep your memories close, be positive and know better is coming. Maybe when your in college he might have a cool house set up where you can stay with him until it’s time for you to start thinking about what you want to do (like having a family or what ever path you choose in life)

  2. Ask him if you can schedule brief, special time together like getting ice cream or something that lasts 1-2 hours. If you get into a routine of having a little time together it will help the transition. I think once you are a couple years older you won’t mind as much – unless maybe you’re in strict Muslim culture where women never get any freedom… But as others have said, this is normal part of growing up.

  3. Sorry kid.

    But … it’s not that he suddenly doesn’t like you. It’s that he’s a young adult, and you’re barely a teenager. The next few years are going to be a period where you’ll both be figuring out your own lives. Yes, even *you* will end up spending less time around your family.

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