What is something that women in general say or do on a regular basis that actually hurts many men, but no one talks about?

  1. Talking about how men are trash and generalising all men being bad. Without them having the self awareness its their choice of men

  2. I am on the tall side and it’s saddening to see how much height standards can completely consume some men, I’m not pretending to understand it, but the pressure some guys seem to face with height expectation/insecurity is surreal

  3. If you try to object to insults based on dick size, people just assume it’s because you have a small dick and not because body shaming is a shitty thing to do.

  4. Sometimes some of our deepest wounds have come from childhood experiences. What seems trivial to one person may not be so trivial to another. That’s part of empathy – trying to understand and relate even if you don’t quite grasp it.

    I’ve had a few times where I shared a pain from my childhood and a girl would respond “It was XX years ago as a kid. Get over it.” or something like that.

    Yeah, that shit will lead men to bottle things up.

  5. The double standard of how easily women can talk about men’s gentials in regards to size while if men attempted something similar they are as labelled misogynist. But there should accountability on both sides.

  6. Big dick/small dick energy.

    Gonna start using Fat bitch/skinny bitch energy and see how well that goes over with the hoi polloi.

  7. Refusing to be clear about having no romantic/sexual interest in you. I honestly get why so many women do it, but I’ve lost a couple friends because of this kind of miscommunication, and it hurts like hell.

  8. When your life is not perfect, and women in your life (in my case my sister) are sitting in front of you lecturing about how privileged you are for being a man, and are totally dismissive of any actual real struggles you might be going through that come with being a man, that shit hurts.

  9. “Hello. You did a thing and it hurt my feelings.”
    “Well you hurt my feelings all the time.”

    “Men need to to open up and talk about their feelings.”
    “Okay, here is my feeling.”
    “That’s not how you feel/fuck you!”

  10. Assume that he’s into you because he was polite.

    I was raised by my grandmother, and she allways told me to be polite and kind to people, unfortunately some woman think I’m forcing something just because I opne the door or stuff like this for her, normally old people smile whem I do this, and most of women just say “thank you” and it’s cool. But I hate whem a woman look at me like she is superior or something because I did something that reminds my grandmother

  11. Talk down short / bald / skinny / not well endowed men by name, openly in group settings.

  12. Ask men to open up and be vulnerable. Then proceed to explain to men why they’re wrong for feeling the way they do, then losing respect for men for opening up like they were asked to. Then later, they’ll use what was opened up about as ammunition in an argument.

  13. Oh I got this one literary last week!

    Have a friend you obviously like, have him as a best friend, but do nothing to try and advance the relationship, because thats a mans job.

    In the meantime, talk with said friend how you are hanging out with s guy, just because you are doing an activity and friendzoning him.

    Aaaand have a guy you meet weekly for sex, are unsure if you like him, but still complain to your best guy friend that why is nobody approaching you, hoping that you will get the hint, that she is asking you to ask her out.

    And after all of that, explain how you should have done something daring, like unexpectedly kissing her when she least expected it.

    Also she was cLeArLy giving hints that she likes me, by canceling dates last minute, saying she always liked me and if only I had the balls to say something…

    The mental gymnastics I did last week when I heard this one was insane and could not believe her logic.

  14. One oddly specific thing that always makes me ache internally a little bit is when my female friends check their dating apps in front of me.

    I do decently enough for a guy on OLD apps I suppose. 2-3 matches a week. But holy shit seeing them open their apps with 100+ likes at any given time is so demoralizing.

    It makes me feel like a drop of water an the ocean as a guy using the same apps. At any given time I’m just one of hundreds vying for a sliver of an opportunity with the *one* match I actually have. It can be hurt to see for yourself how lopsided the dating world actually is for dudes.

  15. Ignoring the advice or direction you gave her, but take that same advice or direction from another man and bring it back to you like it’s new information.

  16. The “all men are …” or “this is why you don’t have a girlfriend”.

    I work in male dominated fields. Finally found a stable job I love, at 28 and can comfortably live. I Studied a male dominated degree. Never take photos of my self so making a dating profile is impossible. Have had a constant onslaught of “men are trash”, “men are scary”, “men have the audacity to approach”, that I never even date to approach woman unless I need to ask for some thing dire. And the last time I was around any female my age was high-school when I was to nervous to talk to them.

    I don’t want to be the monster in anyone’s story.

  17. My ex had me believe I shouldn’t be talking to my friends about our problems and that it should be between us. After the breakup I found out she would tell all her friends everything, friends of friends even.

    This part was soul crushing as well as she never told them about her part in things.

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