I remember the day I realized I needed to access a new level of maturity in order to complete a process of pronouncing. I was working as a tutor at a local language school, and my student was a bright and eager young girl named Sarah. She was just eight years old, but she was determined to master the pronunciation of the French language.
At first, I was excited to work with Sarah. She was a quick learner, and I enjoyed helping her improve her skills. However, as we continued to work together, I started to feel frustrated. Sarah was having trouble distinguishing between certain sounds, and no matter how much I tried to explain the difference, she just couldn’t seem to grasp it.
I began to get frustrated with Sarah, and I found myself speaking to her in a condescending tone. I couldn’t understand why she wasn’t getting it, and I started to lose patience with her. I knew that I needed to change my approach, but I didn’t know how.
It wasn’t until I took a step back and really thought about the situation that I realized what was going on. I was getting frustrated with Sarah because I was expecting her to have the same level of maturity and understanding as me, an adult. But of course, she was just a child, and I needed to adjust my expectations and approach accordingly.
I made the conscious decision to be more patient with Sarah and to break down the concepts we were working on into smaller, more manageable pieces. I also made a point to speak to her in a more respectful and understanding way.
The changes I made had an immediate impact. Sarah’s pronunciation improved significantly, and she was able to grasp the concepts much more easily. I was also able to better connect with her and form a stronger bond.
Looking back on that experience, I realize that accessing a new level of maturity was not just about Sarah and her learning process, but about my own personal growth as well. It was a valuable lesson for me, and one that I will always remember
all in all should i try to be more patient or leave it up to go?

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