We spent five days together a few months ago during a vacation and since then have moved back to our own countries. Yes. Was a holiday romance.

We text every day and we intend on meeting again soon. However he’s got some open ends on the work front and can’t commit to the trip as in he can’t plan it so early on whereas I like to plan everything in advance.

Apart from this major difference in personalities, we get on really well.

Is he just wasting my time or deserves a benefit of doubt? He runs his own business and I work for a private company so he’s able to be flexible whereas I’m not.

He keeps inviting me to visit him but I don’t want to go all the way to his city unless he offers (at least) to buy my tickets.

What do you suggest I do? I really do like him and those five days were great. I feel like this could be something but he’s not as passionate.

TL;DR: holiday romance that I’m still in touch with, text everyday, asks to visit but can’t plan trip so early on for April or May. Help!

  1. You two live in different countries? If you guys want to meet, you two should split the costs of tickets.

  2. I would have him pay for my tickets if he is serious about seeing you. However, don’t put your eggs in one basket. You aren’t exclusive with him. Date other people.

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