I started dating in 2020. I have dated 4 women so far and they have all had daddy issues. All 4 relationships were good in the beginning but they became draining after some time. I ended the last one yesterday and I don’t want to date another woman with daddy issues. Someone please help me understand why I only attract women with daddy issues. Thank you.

  1. You mentioned daddy issues 20 times in this post but not one single example of what you find to be a display of that.

  2. Reverse it, why do you seem talk to girls more often that have daddy issues?

    You might give them comfort or you like to comfort those who need it.

    Regardless, you noticed a pattern, so the next one you will be more aware about it. Take your time.

  3. I googled daddy issues and it says very contradictory things. “often manifesting in a distrust of, or sexual desire for, men who act as father figures” – what?

  4. I think the number of women with “Daddy” issues has gone up exponentially the last few years, more so with more and more “self help” nonsense, books, shows, programs etc…everyone bored and self diagnosing something new every five minutes and being perpetual victims as a hobby or lifestyle. In other words, it’s not you, it’s them. 🙂

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