I had some boudoir photos taken for an anniversary gift for my husband, and just got them back this morning. I can’t believe how great they look! This is not me bragging btw, the photographer (who happens to be my sister in law, long story lol) is incredibly talented.

Anyway I’m super excited to give them to my husband. A question for any women who have had these done in the past – do you keep them under lock and key? Show them to close friends? Hang any up on the wall? I’m excited about these and I don’t like the idea of putting them in a box and shoving them in the closet!

ETA: Looks like this post is locked, feel free to message me with thoughts or ideas!

ETA2: I shared a few with my husband tonight! I am really loving this!!

  1. Okay husband here, You keep them under lock and key or if you do hang them up put them on the back side of a wedding photo or something like that but your beauty is for your partner. He doesn’t share your sexual secrets with his friends for a reason and you shouldn’t be helping his friends or guests over get a better idea of the secret playground he gets to have.

    Just my opinion tho

  2. Why would you show friends lol? Let him keep the book where he wants to. Great idea btw, fun!

  3. I just recently did this too. I had a book made for him to keep and I’m thinking of having a couple framed and hanging them in our master closet!

  4. I made an album that’s in one of his drawers! He loves it. Not sure how often he looks at it, but we both know it’s there.

  5. I had some done and I only had an online gallery, my husband could look at them on his phone whenever. Definitely did not show anyone else lol

  6. My wife’s photos hang in our bedroom. Taken nearly 30 years ago. They are just pg though.

  7. If you had them made for him, I think he should decide what he’d like to do with his gift. If you made them for you, and you’d like to share them, then by all means share away! Just know that at that point they’re not really a gift for your husband anymore.

  8. I think it depends on what you both feel comfortable with. I have a friend that put some of the less risky ones on her Instagram 🤷‍♂️

    I think it’s up for you guys to decide who to show.

  9. I did a maternity shoot with my partner and really liked how one of them came out. Got a stretched canvas print of it made and we had hung in our bedroom for the longest time. But she was uncomfortable with any visitors, especially family, seeing it. It depends on what you and your spouse are comfortable with and how open you are. If you’re ultraconservative or shy about bodies etc, then obviously you wouldn’t go showing them around. Although if you’re a babe, it might be hard for him to keep to himself. I’d want to brag a bit and show off my girl, it’s a fun ego boost to know that gorgeous creature is yours.

  10. my dear friend had beautiful photos taken by her sister. she had them printed and mounted on canvas (Costco does an amazing job!) and they put up in their bedroom. they are truly works of art.

  11. I see these posted all over my friends’ social media accounts, lol. Show whoever you want! I mean- I see *tasteful* examples posted, I’m sure there are some you wouldn’t want to hang on the wall, lol!

  12. It totally depends on your/your husband’s/your friends’ comfort level (in that order)! I would totally show friends but not everyone is comfortable sharing things like that.

  13. Lol mine is a book hidden under my bed. It wouldn’t be the worse thing if someone came across them, I am not fully naked and it’s done tastefully. I think it kinda sucks it’s hidden. I always thought about printing some to hang in my walk on closet as some ladies suggested. No one ever goes in there but me. I mean, you can always mention about the budoir to your friends and if they seem interested and ask about it, you can casually mention if they wanna see it if they want to get it done and show them on your phone. I personally wouldn’t text it to them but rather show them. I know a girl who keeps ppsting hers from time to time but she’s single haha and it’s kinda weird seeing them cuz I know her and that she keeps posting them sometimes a couple years later. I mean it looks good though.

  14. I had boudoir photos done for my husband too. I think they were pretty tame and I was thrilled with how they came out, so I showed them to my closest girlfriends to get their feedback. I also had them made into a hardcover book which is how I presented them to my husband (later sent him the digital file). The hardcover book is kept in a safe place in our bedroom!

  15. I showed my friends! 1) Price and 2) Bragging rights. I have one that’s not terribly inappropriate framed in our bedroom, the rest are kept for him.

  16. Coming from a bad experience giving boudoir photos as a gift, I personally would recommend an album at first, and not a framed print.

  17. You can read through this thread a see a whole host of different responses.

    Personally, I would absolutely never be ok with my wife sharing these sorts of intimate photos with anyone. But, my opinion isn’t the one that matters here. Talk to your husband and find out what he’s ok with. Some men love showing off their wives bodies, some are indifferent, some would consider it infidelity.

  18. Your body, your choice, but I am of the opinion that those are for yourself and your husband. I printed mine out at home and make a scrapbook for my man, gave him the book as an anniversary gift, and he keeps it in in his night stand. I have a few “classy” pictures that are fairly mild that I think would be ok to frame but I would not want them anywhere but the bedroom.

  19. It is a personal decision based on your comfort level. That may change over time.

    I am an art photographer who shoots a lot of art nudes. I’ve had many models who didn’t want to share and others who brought their extended families to art show openings at galleries to show them photos and have hung them in their homes.

    When I first started shooting nudes my wife told me that my work couldn’t be hung in the house because she was worried what her colleagues would think. That changed over time, eventually getting to the point where we constructed a wall of my photos between our living and dining rooms.

    For what it is worth, after years of shooting hundreds of models I’ve only once had a model regret publicly displaying photographs (that I know of) and that was an exceptional circumstance (a trans model who regretted posting photos from before his transition).

  20. I had them made into a photo book. I believe I used Artifact Uprising for the printing. I didn’t show anyone.

  21. My wife had them done for me and she showed her friends and whoever she wanted to. I have a file on my phone with all the pictures and we printed out a couple to have in the bedroom on the night stands. Its really up to you and your husband what you want to do with them

  22. I did this for my husband as well, made him a book just for him. I kept the digital copies and showed a few of my girlfriends, and bragged about how much confidence it gave me. It gave some of them enough to do it for their husbands as well.

    It was nice to be able to let my friends in on the confidence boost, so they too could see how beautiful they are.

  23. Well, if it’s a gift for him then let him do whatever… it’s assumed you trust him by this action, and as an extension of love I think that’s beautiful.

    why don’t you make copies for yourself as well to do whatever you want with?

    Hmmm. Lol, Even though I am the husband I think you inspired me to have some boudoir pics taken of me for my wife. I’m suddenly seriously considering it. Is that even a thing?

    Anyway, I’m encouraged to read about a happy marriage.
    Be well.

  24. We hung some of my wife’s in our bathroom. Easy enough to take down when we didn’t want people to see.

  25. My wife told me she thought about taking these pictures for me in the beginning of our marriage. She never did, now that we have been together for years I wish she did. I would hang them in my closet, where only I could see them.

  26. My husband keeps his book I made for him in his nightstand drawer. I have an online gallery that I show to friends who are thinking of having them done or have had them done and we share with each other. My photographer (I’ve done a couple of shoots with her) is amazing and has the mindset of her work being art, which it is, and it has helped me be more willing to see it that way instead of “dirty” or some kind of secret!

  27. You do whatever your want with them! Hang them across your bedroom. Show them to whoever you’d like to. You are proud of them and you should be!
    I think you’ll find the perfect place for them. Talk to your husband after you give them to him and see what he thinks.

  28. I did a session last year and I ended up getting 5×7 copies and putting them in a special album for my husband. He hides it in his underwear drawer, lol. I also did a collage of the pics that weren’t racy and had them framed- that’s in the man cave.

  29. Psh, no way. I’ll show anyone who asks. I look so goddamn hot in them! Lol.

    Also ask the photographer if you can get a few for your phone. I kept a few from my husband and sent them to him at work over the next few months so the joy was stretched out a bit!

  30. I had mine done mostly for me, but I did end up giving my husband a custom photo album with them and a small picture that’s now hanging on our bathroom wall! Personally, I did share mine with some of my friends who were interested and wanted to know how the photos turned out, but that was it for me. Just don’t forget that it’s your body and only you get to decide what happens with those pictures. I would be mortified if my husband shared them with his friends especially without asking me but it’s my body so I can share them as I see fit. Your body = your choice don’t let anyone else tell you how/when/if you should share them.

  31. I did some boudoir pics after losing 100 lbs and they also turned out so well the photographer used them in all her adverts. It was a great ego booster. We have one of the pics in our private bathroom where guests don’t go and a few of the less racy ones in our bedroom. No one but us has ever seen them.

  32. My relative has hers in the master bedroom and bathroom. The racer ones are in a book 🤷🏼‍♀️

  33. I had them taken for myself for my 25th birthday. I was single and figured I’d never get hotter (lol) so I did a boudoir shoot just for me.

    I hung them on the walls in private areas of my house, like my ensuite bathroom around my tub. But otherwise kept them to myself.. until I showed them to my husband a handful of years later. He appreciates them now…

    I’m turning 38 in about a week and I was right.. I have not gotten hotter. But wonderful man that he is, my husband would disagree.

  34. Hello! I work at a tattoo parlor and one of my coworkers has a framed photo from his gal’s boudoir shoot hanging in his booth. It’s tasteful, she looks amazing, and she was cool with him putting it up of course.

    I know that’s not for everyone, but if your comfortable with it and would like to show it off, why not?

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