Went on a second date today. It went really well. We locked the day for the 3rd date and all that.
I’m into the girl and she seems to be into me too. But it kinda got awkward at the end ans the kiss didn’t happen.
I’m thinking of telling her lver text that I want to kiss her and im attracted to her but I might be slow or shy at times. Is it a stupid thing to share this with her?

I just want her to know that I’m into her and the kiss not happening from my side its just the social awkwardness I have.

Any help to save this potential bond is greatly appreciated.

  1. ask in person. It might feel really awkward but just focus on making the words come out. “Can I give you a kiss?”, Had somebody do that to me and I was struck by the confidence to just ask

    edit: sp

  2. You need to quit worrying about the kiss – trying to find that perfect moment is a great way to make it awkward. That kiss should come when she’s waiting for it, not when you’re wanting it.

    Instead of professing your infatuation, ask questions about her – keep it casual, dont make it an interview.

    Dont give her any self-analysis. You’re better off being mysterious and intriguing, than being a movie where she knows the plot and the ending.

  3. I think sneak it into a text or she will be wondering!
    Just in a fun cheeky way like looking forward to that kiss next time or something – it’s not awkward! Bit of anticipation and flirtiness – don’t over think it and let her know you want to kiss her

  4. As someone else said, you can simply ask next time you go on the date with her. I had a guy do that to me and I thought it was really cute and it was a great kiss. It’s fine that you haven’t had a kiss yet. There’s more than kissing to show you’re interested. You have a date planned and that already shows a lot of interest. You can keep texting her before the date but don’t put so much pressure on yourself. She wouldn’t agree to the date if she didn’t like you. Good luck!

  5. Need to prep a girl
    With tlightee touching beforehand, kiss doesn’t magically happen on its own, try eg palm read, thumb war, arm brushing, playful flick, dance move, short hug, pillow fight whatever works, u need to warm her up to break the touch barrier. And don’t send that text, just do better next time. A secluded walk late at night will also help build sexual tension without having to do so
    Much work

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