How often do you text your friends? When you do, do you ask them about their day and their commute?

  1. We have a group chat that basically always has an ongoing conversation. On top of that we’ll text each other individually on and off all day about random stuff that doesn’t pertain to the group chat. They’re not fluid conversations though, we respond when we get to it so it’s kind of going 24/7 but not actively. I think realistically I send 30-40 texts a day to various friends.

  2. Back in highschool, before I could drive and see people when I wanted I would just text them for fun any time. Just chat every day over text or IM.

    Now, as an adult, I text people when I need to tell/show them something, ask something, share a joke or photo, or something quick. I don’t text people just to chat and say hi much anymore. There are a few exceptions due to them living far away and just watching to say hi and catch up every few months or so.

    But in general I don’t text for fun, I just text when I need to talk to someone about something specific. (I’m not the type to call people or answers calls, only text)

  3. i(20M) have a few people i’d consider close, long term friends, and most of them i have text conversations with them maybe once every few days. it usually sparks from something random one of us thought of saying or if we found something that reminded us of the other and lasts for maybe an hour on and off. we talk about the thing we originally texted about, anything interesting since we last spoke (plans, fun stuff that happened, anything important really), and about our days (commute, work, what we’re doing right now/later).

    (one person i talk to all day every day, but there is some romantic attachment there, so i feel like that kinda doesn’t count lol.)

    when i was in hs/ms i texted friends nonstop all day every day, even making new friends online and stuff to text all day too. now it’s a lot less even though it hasn’t been too long since then (3 years? ish).

  4. We MOSTLY use texting for making plans to hangout, or the occasional “how’s it going dude?” or “Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, etc…”

    We generally prefer to talk face-to-face and we can have good long conversations when we’re together. But texting just doesn’t really do it for me… other than like I said… checking in every now and then and making plans.

  5. Once a blue moon. Depends if there’s a need to catch up / anything interesting is happing that I want to share.

    Everything else aside the man is definitely only in it for the booty otherwise the open relationship question wouldn’t have come up.

  6. Oh yeah nice thanks for this post, reminds me I need to reply to my best mate who sent me a message 6 days ago saying merry xmas.

  7. pretty much never. my brother is one of the few people i text on a regular basis, but it’s really more like talking to a wall.

  8. When I have a meme to share, or a song to share, or a video to share. If I like it I’m sending it to my friends. They have no idea I’m trying to get into law school or that I’ve been ghosted by two women in the space of a month but they know I think Steven segal is fucking hilarious.

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