How do you fight laziness and procrastination?

  1. By doing stuff. The more you do causes you to do more. It’s weird.

    To get started, break your task into smaller pieces and start with one of em.

  2. Get started on the task. Think of a freight train. It takes a lot of time and energy to get it moving at full speed. But once it’s going, it’s an unstoppable force that requires minimal effort to maintain.

    Once you get through that initial activation energy, the rest is so much easier

  3. If I just force myself to do work for 30 minutes or so, I get into the zone and work for much longer.

  4. I have ADHD, my brain rarely let’s me do even remotely important shit unless there’s an element of timecrunch, regardless of how much I know I need to get something done and WANT to get it done.

  5. Pretend you have energy. Act energetic and you’ll become energetic. The old “Fake it till you make it” really does work. Put the phone on Do Not Disturb and put it in a drawer far away for an hour. Use a radio, TV, or other source for music while you do tasks

  6. Discipline instead of motivation

    Dreading it and dragging won’t make it go by faster than just getting it done.

  7. If I get shit done, the free time afterward is truly free time. No need to worry about anything.

    I don’t want to be worrying about things when I am enjoying life. Get that shit done so free time is 100% stress free.

  8. Situational motivation. Self motivation is extremely ineffective. get out there, change ur environment, make going places part of ur daily routine. Exercise? Go to gym/class. Study? Go to library, or coffee lounge, socialize/gf/bf Go to social events. Mathematically it will happen eventually.

    Too much Convenience leads to laziness.
    Home gyms, tinder and study from bed may be super convenient but they don’t lead to health habits.

  9. I feed into it until I actually want to get up and do something useful. Sometimes takes a week, sometimes 3-4 months.

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