Obviously this issue has been bothering me frequently. She has been away over the holiday and returned home today. Over the span of 12 hours the toilet rim is caked in fecal matter. Even if I cleaned it, she would get it dirty again the next time she used it. This was a problem before she left as well. She doesn’t shower and I assume also does not wipe after using the toilet. Or it is because of her weight? I am not sure.

I like to avoid conflict when I can, and I don’t really know her very well as I haven’t lived here long (6 months). I don’t know how to resolve this politely. She is terrible in many other ways and I am trying to move out, but due to financial reasons I am stuck here in the meantime.

I’ve confided in my friends already, who are all mostly shocked this is even an issue and could not provide much advice. Please help!

TLDR; Roommate leaves poop on shared toilet and doesn’t clean up

1 comment
  1. Start leaving a case of Clorox wipes on the lid every day. If she moves it, move it back. Ask her politely, be sure to emphasize that it’s literally a bio hazard

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