what should be a reason for a guy to say yes to marriage?

  1. The person they are marrying is what they are looking for in a life partner and vice versa.

    All dealbreaker questions have been answered.

  2. Love and connection. It’s about knowing nothing is perfect but caring deeply for the other person anyway. That life will be better being together than alone. And to be ready to be less selfish and be glad for it

  3. Tax breaks and insurance. If you don’t benefit from either, consider not getting married. Marriage is a financial arrangement and contract that lasts forever.

  4. If I were to get married it would be for social and financial stability. Fuck love and meaningful relationships.

  5. Apparently one of the most significant advantages of marriage is eligibility for Social Security spousal and survival benefits.

    That being said I’ve never really seen an advantage of being married, two of the people I came very close to marrying ended up betraying they’re loyalty and my confidence. At almost 36 years old I can’t think of one reason I’d want to get married!

  6. You want to be married to the person, are in a healthy place to do that, and aren’t ignoring any red flags from them.

  7. I’ve found that men I know gravitate towards excitement: sports, friends, sexual experiences, etc. If he’s excited to be with you (as in doesn’t feel obligated or isnt trading his time for sex), he’ll probably be willing to marry you.

  8. You want to prolong the relationship as long as possible so you can get as much sex as you can before she moves on.

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