I have an allergy to alcohol and it seems to be something people seem to pick on even when I’m going on dates. Im completely cool with the other party drinking and I’ll have a little but it doesn’t take much for me to start feeling terrible.

It’s something I’m very conscious of especially when dating/travelling because it seems to be all people talk about.

Ps. I’m also east Asian for that matter and do that thing where I go really red. Except I get a bunch of other symptoms like breathlessness and I start hyperventilating.

  1. Not a big deal at all for me. In fact I prefer it. I’m not a drinker and I can’t stand drunk people.

    But a lot of drinkers seem to have a problem with people who don’t drink, even when the non-drinker isn’t judgy about it.

  2. I don’t drink either (I’m a guy) and some people do get pretty weird about it. There are plenty of people who do not care at all though. To be honest, if a guy is making you feel weird about not drinking during a date then he’s probably going to be weird or annoying about a lot of other stuff too, so you might just have an early warning system set up lol

  3. Not a big deal. Alcohol has lots of calories so she’s likely to maintain a lean figure.

  4. I would like to say this shouldn’t be an issue for anyone, but I know there are people who can’t wrap their heads around that idea. I just have to assume too much of their lives revolve around bars and partying.

    But for me it’d be perfect, as I don’t drink.

  5. Personally, I’d appreciate knowing that I don’t have to worry about her getting plastered and doing something stupid/degenerate in that state. I drink socially, but I’m not into the whole party-and-get-wasted lifestyle anyway.

  6. People that give you a hard time about that are lame. Dates should just be not drink focused. Don’t go out for cocktails. The reason it’s all people talk about is that it’s a social lubricant. They literally have nothing else they want to share with the group. My Korean friend took up high end Scotch so that he had a reason to drink it slowly and could contribute to the conversation. Would that tactic work?

  7. I don’t drink and it is a massive part of my countries culture.. I turned down many a date because they were so insistent on going to a bar etc.

    So women who don’t drink are great with me.. thankfully my partner isn’t too fussed on drinking, she’ll have the odd glass of wine etc but that’s about it. I don’t mind people who drink.. I just hate being pressured into drinking with them

  8. Not at all.

    My wife doesn’t drink, I do, it doesn’t matter.

    I drive there, she drives home, I don’t have to stress about counting drinks and pretending it’s reasonable for a person to able to calculate the exact rate I metabolise alcohol on any given day (it fluctuates a lot) to ensure I’m not 0.001% over the tolerances.

  9. It’s fine. Some people who drink a lot as a primary and regular social activity will probably be boring to incompatible for you because you don’t enjoy the same activities. There are degrees. It might not be fun to be the only sober or mostly-sober person at events where people are going hard, but probably more enjoyable if there are other things going on. So it’ll affect your options, but then again so would wanting to get wasted every weekend.

  10. I don’t drink, can’t stand the smell of it and find the way drunk people move/talk to be creepy in an uncanny valley way, so that’s all upside. Most probably won’t share that opinion, though.

  11. It might be a big deal to people that prioritize drinking in social settings. But realistically most of the women in my life don’t drink much at all. It’s not where their priorities are at – plenty of people appreciate that!

  12. If someone doesn’t like the fact that someone doesn’t drink it’s probably because they were hoping to lower their inhibitions with alcohol.

    When you say pick on do you mean like with banter? I know people who love banter and others who get super offended, if you don’t like something let them know.

  13. It’s probably a good filter, guys want girls to drink because it helps some of them get horny

    If a guy finds an issue with you not drinking that’s suspicious

  14. Alcoholics usually prefer people who drink because people who don’t drink make them feel uncomfortably self aware of their condition.

  15. It shouldn’t be a problem at all. Do you even want the kind of people around you to whom it is a problem?

  16. I would actually prefer my girl not to drink.
    Most or all the arguments I ever had with girlfriends was because they had one too many.
    Alcohol is for losers.

  17. I’m not sure your age but I feel like as an adult people are generally indifferent. I don’t drink at all, choose not to although did in my youth. Most people don’t even realize. I order a drink to have in hand and sip on but likely a sprite or club soda. if someone offers to get me a “glass a wine” or “grab a beer” I just say “no thanks I’m good” No drama.

  18. The older I get, the less I want to. 22 year old me would have thought you were boring, 30 year old me doesn’t mind. If you have a legit allergy though, I would be an idiot to judge you for it. You literally can’t drink it and I wouldn’t expect you to.

  19. I don’t drink hardly at all myself, so I’d be elated to find someone who could relate and not get weird about it.

  20. You don’t have to drink.

    Alcohol is a drug on the same level as weed or tabaco.

    It is just more socially accepted.

    No adult will care about you not drinking.

  21. Personally, I prefer it. Just gotta find the right person for you. If they have an issue with it, find someone else.

  22. Are you me!? 29 F with an allergy as well (but more like I instantly vomit) and have noticed it’s an issue on dates and I get a lot of questions.

  23. My wife doesn’t drink either. I think it’s kind of an age thing. When you’re in your early 20s feels like all anyone ever does is drink and pressure you to drink. As you age people tend to stop caring as much. Or maybe I just started hanging out with better people?

  24. I’d date her, I don’t drink either, destroys your body, makes you poorer, and does nothing to better your life.

  25. If You don’t drink, and someone has a problem with it, no matter the reason behind it, I would consider it a pretty good filter. Those people are not people you want to date anyway, so it saves you a lot of time.

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