If a kid gets a sports Scholarship to a Uni/College & hurts themselves through that sport, do they lose the Scholarship?

  1. If it’s bad enough to where they can’t play again, I believe they can keep the scholarship. They call it a medical hardship.

  2. Depends the scholarship. My kid got a full football scholarship, but just before school started he decided not to play. They still gave him his scholarship. He was an excellent student so I am not sure if they came into play.

  3. They *can* depending on how the injury occurs, their policy, and the severity. Career ending and injuries outside of the sport, depending on the circumstances) are reasons to pull a scholarship. Some schools do not allow coaches to pull scholarships due to performance related injuries (practice or game/match/meet)

    That said not all schools have the policy where you can’t pull a scholarship the following year. On top of that these scholarships are not a single 4 year contract; they’re 4 1 year contracts that have to be renewed every year. And lastly, scholarships are not created equal. The finances of scholarship budgets per sport only grants a few full rides per year and a total budget. So you may see some scholarship manipulation where a coach may re-allocate scholarship money to have that injured athlete off the full ride scholarship and give them financial compensation (basically switching with another player or 2)

  4. It entirely depends on the university and the severity of the injury.
    The NCAA has several divisions of with the most prominent being Division 1, which divided by Football being either Bowl or Championship series with Bowl being the larger of those two categories. For most Division 1 athletes an injury will merely result in down time and rehabilitation paid for mostly the school. D1 athletes have 10 semesters to complete 4 seasons of play. D1 athletes receive full-ride scholarships and room and board, with most also receiving food and clothing through support foundations.

    Most coaches care about their student athletes enough to keep them around even if they become to damaged to continue. However, if they are new to the team or toxic to the program it is possible that you can be non-renewed or lose your scholarship via many clauses that exist in most scholarship contracts.

    So the short answer is no. You won’t lose your scholarships because you got hurt.

    At levels below D1, it is more possible, but also not super likely.

  5. I’m not sure why everyone is saying no – it depends on the school and is basically 50/50 on whether or not they’ll keep it. This is a prime avenue for corruption and nepotism.

  6. Not that I’m aware of. To my knowledge, it’s common practice to honor it through injury. Most injuries aren’t sports career ending.

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