have you ever broken the trust of one of your boys. did you ever get it back? How did you get it back?

  1. You don’t.

    Trust with the boys is sacred.

    If you break it, do yourself and everyone else around a favor and fuck off.

  2. I did because the dude was a paranoid lunatic and tore himself away from everyone. Everything set the fucker off and he was going down a BAAAAAAAD route, burning literally all of his bridges.

    He got institutionalized later when he tried to off himself and then got diagnosed with Schizotypal Personality Disorder.

    I got it back when I went to visit him and let him know bro… bro we bros no matter what, bro. He broke down in tears and we embraced. You’re my bro no matter what, bro.

  3. I hold trust to be sacred so it’s not something I break with either my partner or my friends. It’s one of the intangible things that makes up who ‘*I*’ am. Am I a trustworthy person? I would say ‘*yes*’. In order to be a trust worthy person I have to be trustworthy (obviously lol). So I protect that by keeping my word and not lying to people.

  4. Nope, but two have broken my trust and twisted it to have me outcast from our friend groups.

    Men are every bit as catty, petty, and manipulative as women are. We just go about it differently.

  5. Yeah I’m awful and made mistakes.

    This one friend was quite a quiet person, until he suddenly started being all nice and caring. I called him a pansy/pussy. Couple of days later, he stopped logging on. I should’ve been nicer. Now, I hope he didn’t kill himself or do anything, because I know he had mental health issues. And so did I, so it’s even more stupid of me.

    Another, I divulged too much information. I essentially told him “hey I honestly thought you were a bit of a pussy, but overtime I realised I might’ve just been jealous and I respect you.”.

    This case I think his perspective on me adapted. He didn’t think I was as safe or considerate a person, but we got even closer as friends, for example we gave eachother thoughtful Christmas presents.

    I don’t know what to do with myself these days. I try to be kinder but sometimes I look back and know I’m never righting those wrongs.

  6. Not really trust. We absolutely got to hate each other for a min. One night, he (my roommate) stood on a coffee table in his boxers by my head. I elbowed him in the groin when he didn’t get down, and we fought. We set it aside like a month or so later.

  7. I was falsely accused of something, we got in a fight, he got physical with me, I socked him in the face bloodying his nose, he then reevaluated what happened and realized I was innocent.

  8. Yep, in college, my best friends girlfriend rang me saying my friend in question threatened to unalive himself then left her house at night and got in his car and drove off, I called the police immediately because she wouldn’t told them his number plate, hated me and didn’t speak for about 3 months until I got a message thanking me for what I did.

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