Me (M19) asked my coworkers( around the same age) to have dinner together outside after shift. One of them said “ that’s a hard question to answer man” and then left without answering.

When I left the work place I saw them going together, it’s not FOMO, but I am feeling having no self-worth, and the frustration/hatred to myself of failing to make a connection with people around me. Maybe im social awkward, being sheltered a little bit too much being a single child. I was used to being alone, but the last 2 years in uni, having a bit more freedom, I started to work on my social skill more. I’m confident in my looks, but not in my ability to be an interesting person. I can be interesting for the first 2 minutes, the rest the conversation died out. I felt like the one liner guy in the friend group.

Please share your thoughts, I don’t know what, how to make a connection. Those coworkers arent mean/bad people, they are nice, and I’m uninteresting. I want to hit myself in the head until I find a way. I want to have a genuine, real connection with someone.

Tldr: I hate my self for being an uninteresting fuck.

1 comment
  1. Not sure if the situation and your problem are connected, seems like you’re trying to answer the question “why” by yourself when you could just ask THEM “why is it a hard question?”. Be blunt, you might get a better hint at why they are acting this way – could be you, could be them. Hard to tell.

    For the problem, you described – get interesting. But ask yourself. Are you frustrated because you find yourself boring or because others find you boring as you say? Maybe you’re not surrounded by like-minded people and just need to find your group.

    But you want to try at being interesting:

    Read a book and take notes of your favorite moments.

    Watch a series of movies and form opinions about them.

    Get a hobby, learn about the history of it.

    Go on a walk and observe the world.

    Basically, form thoughts and opinions you could discuss with others. Researching is fun and gives you more things to talk about. Good luck!

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