Warning: Long thread.

TLDR: Incompatible attachment types (emotionally needy / emotionally distant) and want to know whether can still be worked out.

My ex (30M) and I (25F) have been living together for the past three years. A couple weeks ago I broke up with him due to the following reasons:

1. He is at a very busy and stressful point of his life and it’s affecting me. Since he works from home full time his negativity doesn’t just stop at the clock. Everyday coming to home I felt draining. He looked like he had no motivation to do anything and every single thing I ask him to participate or do seems like a huge burden/favour. I hating just being around him since I also had busy work life but I really do think I try to not bring that home.
2. Our communication pattern has been exhausting. Whenever I raise something that I feel upset about (eg. his chores not being properly done), he will keep up with it for a while and fell back to the old habits (not cleaning up). Then again and again, me being upset since I had to take on all the chores, he being upset about me not understanding how busy he is.
3. Although he is busy working towards the goal of providing me with a better life, I felt unheard about my emotional needs. He is not very expressive in terms of feelings and I really need that connection from a partner. He thinks that expressing his feelings to me would make me worry and give me stress, but in truth if he doesn’t let it out in words, it shows up in his behaviour, which honestly drained me from day to day. It’s those typical situation of “babe you can talk to me what’s wrong” and “nothing just leave it”.

When I raised the break up I was at my breaking point in terms of mental health, it was like I was trapped in an unhappy swamp and I couldn’t get out until he moves out. He couldn’t understand why I broke up with him at that moment since he thought all he did was working really, really hard to get to our goal of owning a place and having a life together.

A few days after, he called me and apologized to me, understanding that why (3) was affecting me a great deal and apologized about how he usually handles these situations. He regretted that he didn’t listen to what I really wanted. He wanted to get back together. I said no at the time since I really needed sometime alone.

The past weeks have not been easy on me, I felt this immense sadness just thinking about the past year, how I just fell out of love due to the countless small moments of disappointment, and the feeling of helplessness. But I also misses him a lot, he did really really love me, but he just couldn’t see how I really want to be loved.

Now I am thinking whether we are able to work this out together… I am scared that if it doesn’t work out again, it’s heartbreak all over again. Can incompatible relationships work?

1 comment
  1. This looks pretty broken. You don’t mutually enjoy spending time together, he doesn’t keep up with his share of the chores (which is a pretty big issue to have), and you two not only can’t solve problems together, but he brushed off how big of a deal that is. If the relationship means so little to him, I don’t see how you can make this work.

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