Whether you’ve just fallen in love, or have been in a committed relationship for many years—how do you know you love your SO? Do you think there’s a difference between being “in love” vs “loving” someone?

Conversely, how do you know if you’ve fallen out of love? Or no longer love your SO?

  1. I know I love him because I want to spend the rest of my life with him, die with him, and take care of him.

  2. I think love is a choice. I wake up and make a choice to love him and be in a relationship with him. So then that choice impacts on the choices I make and how we interact.

    He makes the same choice.

  3. I know I love him cz everytime anything happens with him (any good or not so good moments) I wanna hear all and want to help him in every ups and downs of his life I.e when hearing every bit of incidents of someone’s life makes you happy, even if that never concerns you

    At that time, I think I am in love with him♡

  4. I think loving someone doesn’t conform to anything romantic whereas being in-love with someone does. I think both include some level of affection but loving is an action, and being in-love is more highly emotive and perhaps more correlated with feelings of infatuation and passion

  5. love itself seems to be one of those things quite hard to define, but instead it’s easier to describe it for things it does and doesn’t do –

    love is patient, kind, it is not jealous or proud, it is not self seeking, is does not dishonour others, it keeps no records of wrongs, it is not easily angered, it is honest, it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres (1 cor 13:4-8)

  6. He’s always the first person I want to talk to wherever anything good or bad has happened, I enjoy spending my time with him even when we aren’t doing anything, the thought of losing him in any way makes my heart sink.

    We’ve been together for 4 years, about to get married (wedding was postponed due to Covid, twice) and we’ve been trying to have a kid for 2+ years and have been dealing with some severe fertility problems on my end, many peoples’ marriages fall apart during long bouts of infertility but ours has stayed strong and his love and support has only reaffirmed to me that he’s the person I want to spend my life and start a family with.

  7. I’m an introvert. I need time alone to recharge – and “alone” for me often means “I am the only person in an apartment/house, for at least a few hours.”

    When I was dating my now-husband, I realized that not only did I *not* get those cravings to be alone as often, I actually *preferred* being alone *with* him, just knowing he was a few rooms away. Every night felt, and still feels, like a sleepover with not only my best friend, but the best living complement to *myself.*

  8. no one has ever been so patient or gentle with me and i try my best to make him happy because he makes me so happy. i genuinely care about his well-being and his needs so i choose to put him first even when it isn’t convenient for me. he annoys the shit out of me sometimes but i can’t help but find him endearing at the same time. at the end of the day i just want to curl up next to him. on a funnier note, he’s gone through some very questionable haircuts through the years and i have not once felt less attracted to him even when i knew the haircut was not flattering lol. all in all, i’ve never felt this kind of love before

  9. I know I love him because I physically cannot picture my life without him. I’d do anything for him, and I’m pretty sure he’d do anything for me.

  10. Me and my partner have been together nearly a decade and. Tbh it still feels like when we first met sometimes. I always like to say we hung out once and then just kinda never stopped hanging out.

  11. I love him because he goes along with my disgusting kinks, bad habits, and general awfulness

  12. It was just there! I wasn’t looking or trying. He’s everything I could ask for and had no idea it existed. For once in my life he fit perfectly. To be completely honest he was supposed to be fwb/ one night stand lmao

  13. Being in love is a comfortable feeling. I know he is there and will support me if I need him. I know even when I have a bad day that I come home to him. We laugh a lot, have fun together and just enjoy each others company. He takes care of me and I take care of him.

  14. I think love is more about actions that actual emotion. Like yes you guys will be extremely emotionally connected but emotions change and are fleeting. I feel like what really shows that you love a person is first keeping all your personal commitments to yourself loving yourself very deeply and then through your actions upkeeping the relationship in all ways necessary. But there has to be dedication to self and to the union from both sides to sustain a life long “love”

  15. Anytime I experience something without him I wish he were there and imagine how he would react to said experience. I always think about him and he is the only human that can make me belly laugh. Together 16 years.

  16. I’ve had quite a few partners – the difference for me has been with the first few, I loved them but couldn’t quite respect them. I projected a fantasy onto them and they didn’t and couldn’t measure up. As I got older and my fantasies abated, I met a man who I respect deeply. He holds boundaries and isn’t a pushover, he’s funny and kind and thoughtful. He hits all the marks, and any “bad” things (he has difficulty making decisions, he goes to anger first when he’s emotional) are easy to have patient with because I love him so much. He’s so easy to love, even 9 years later.

  17. I always dated people just because they liked me so much and eventually got bored of them. He’s the only one that caught my attention the moment we met. We’ve been together 10 years and I’m not bored yet. I miss him so much anytime I go on a trip alone, I feel lonely without him even when I’m with other people. I just want to share all my food, gifts and experiences with him.

  18. When everything’s fine between us and I look at him I get the butterfly feeling in my stomach and I can physically feel how much I adore him. I want to do things for him, literally anything, to make him happy. When things are rough I want to get through it together. If we’re disagreeing or arguing I want to reconcile as soon as possible. I want to be there for him just like he’s there for me when life gets hard.

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