I’ve been wondering what can I do to make the experience better for my partner when I go down on her

  1. Enthusiasm, patience, and perceptiveness. Pay attention to how she responds to what you’re doing to learn what works for her and what doesn’t. When she’s about to orgasm don’t change anything about what you’re doing not the speed, strength or anything. No specific motion or technique is going to be appreciated by every woman because each has completely different preferences.

  2. The biggest thing is to listen to her. Find rhythms that work for her and repeat them. Ask her to give you more feedback while you are down there. Or just a ask what she really likes. Also, a finger stroking or even tapping her g spot during oral is a good method. As well as some great endurance of the tongue. Happy licking!

  3. If he knows that porn is not real.

    Every dude who has given me oral who got their techniques from porn have been terrible.

  4. My favorite trick it so suck. Suck everything. Avoid sucking with your teeth. And for the love of god suck the clit

  5. Don’t treat it as a chore, or even as a means to an end. The orgasm is important, but the journey is more important. Make it your entire focus while your doing it, pay attention to every audible and physical reaction and learn from it.

  6. I think every woman likes different things. All lady parts are different so what works for one female may not work for another. Communication is so important, expressing what you want him to do to you, descriptively so he can be successful at pleasuring you. You can’t assume he knows.

    You just need to ask your lady how she wants it so you can be the best at giving it to her. Some women are shy about that, I’m not. I will tell him before he ever has to ask. If she hasn’t told you then asking her will help.

  7. Ask her.

    You can go down on one girl and she loves what you do and call you a rock star the next girl might hate that exact same thing

  8. For me it’s an exploration. I try all sorts and make note of particular sounds and revist those spots😛

  9. First of all you gotta love it ,take your time and be aware of every little movement breath etc learn to read her body… woman cum in the mind you have to get them there mentally as well as physically

  10. Giving a shit about the woman. Starts there. Some humility about what you think you know. Then understanding you may know some basics but that you have to learn each new partner’s ‘switchboard’.

  11. My partner loves it when I finger her and put in at least two fingers, but for oral you really just want to find the fit and suck it hard

  12. I’ve eaten more pussy than I’m going to admit and every single one was different ask and listen. Pay close attention. And tell her you need feedback.

  13. Start slow.

    Kiss her thighs, hips, folds of her P.

    Take your time. Kiss, lick, get wet.

    Listen to her body. If she breaths in deeply , do more. If she opens her legs wider, do more. If she grabs you, do more.

    If she doesn’t react after a few minutes try something else. Explore her body. All of it

    Be delicate with her lady parts but more importantly…. Be focused on her. Give her your full attention and learn her body. Not all women are the same

  14. Be gentle with the clit don’t use any teeth for the love of god and don’t blow air inside of her, kiss and soft sucking is encouraged and medium pressure with licking is good don’t use the whole tongue mostly focus the clit on the top of ur tongue and the best advice I can give you is just go slow and see what she likes and follow her body language

  15. Use fingers, be enthusiastic, me personally I love it when a guy isn’t afraid to pull out and then go down and the out it back in.

  16. Here is what I do:

    Warm her up first with a massage around the legs and lower back. Massage with a little pressure so you can help the blood flow go toward her groin. Spend some time licking and kissing erogenous zones that are away from her clit. The groin area, behind the knees, and lower abdomen. Gently stroke her breast her run your hands down her sides. If the raw passion is there, be a little rougher, but try to have some dynamics in your touches. Rougher, softer, slow, gentle, or even very fast. Use your best judgment, but try to pay attention to how her body responds. Don’t go to the clit immediately. Try to have her begging for it and when you do, use the most gentle touches, kisses, and licks you possibly can. Slowly ramp up the intensity, speed, and pressure to find a sweet spot. When you start doing things that get her moaning and squirming, keep doing it. Be playful and ask questions, but in a teasing manner. If you think something you are doing is particularly good, ask her if she likes it and suggest doing something else. It gives her the option to change it up, but adds a little tease if she is really enjoying what you are doing. Explore her vulva gently with well-lubricated (and clean) fingers. If you are going to insert any fingers, do it slowly and make sure she is OK with it. You don’t necessarily have to verbally ask, but make some eye contact as you gently enter her to see if its OK. Use a combination of sucking, licking, nibbling, and shaking your head back and forth. Try using a stiff tongue and a soft relaxed tongue. Once you do enough playing and experimenting, use your best judgment on how to give her the most pleasure possible until she can’t take any more.

  17. Understanding that every woman is different. You need to be willing to learn what each woman likes, instead of merely relying on the same method over and over again with different partners.

    Also enthusiasm. Women may feel vulnerable when she’s being eaten out. She may be ultra self conscious with an array of questions flashing through her mind. An enthusiastic man is more likely to extinguish these doubts the woman may have, making her more comfortable. The more comfortable and open she is, the more likely she is to enjoy it.

  18. Some women are too busy writhing or moaning to tell you what feels good but if they start pushing their hips toward you, don’t stop whatever you’re doing…it’s a sign of approval.

  19. Use fingers and try to locate her g spot. I used to put my fingers as far in as possible, but I’ve always seemed to get better feedback if I just hit her g spot instead. Everyone is different, so you may not be able to feel it, and she may prefer something else. It really just depends. Like others have said, pay attention to her reactions, or just ask her.

    I’ve always been kind of amazed how you can get different reactions from different women. Some will be dazed and glassy-eyed by the time you’re done, and others don’t really have much of a reaction at all. Which tells me that I really need to work on my communication. 🤷‍♂️

  20. The desire to please. When a man has a strong desire to please someone, he will work hard at achieving it.
    Also men who LOVE to eat P, their love for the sport will generally increase their skill level.

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