There are a lot of british boomers in Spain. Would you follow their steps or Will you retire in an other country??

  1. Much as I’d like to retire to Spain I don’t think I am any different to the majority of other people in the UK who are no longer permitted to live there all the time.

  2. Lithuania, my home country. We have great weather, beautiful nature, good public transport, loads of events, and my family is there. Sadly, I can’t afford to live there now, but I hope to return one day.

  3. Somewhere warm with turquoise sea and your main daily wardrobe is shorts, T-shirt and flip flops.

  4. If I was minted; the Italian countryside in a little farmhouse with lots of chickens and I would eat pasta for the rest of my days

  5. I’m currently looking at Namibia as there are great tax breaks for retirement and naturalisation at the moment compared to many other countries. SW Cape in South Africa and Botswana are also on my list although I haven’t lived in Botswana before (just worked there) it seems nice.

    I was planning to move back to SE France but since The Event it’s now as complex and difficult as the rest of the world, so I might as well take my pick of places.

    I have lived in Spain too and wouldn’t object to returning.

  6. I’m staying near my family.

    In any event I wouldn’t go anywhere hot. So…. Canada maybe or Scandinavia if I had to and had the money.

  7. Probably somewhere in Europe if we have the means to.

    Wife has an Irish passport, I’ve got her on lockdown 🤣

    All joking aside, probably somewhere warm and dry, we both have health issues exacerbated by the cold so it’s worth it for that alone.

  8. Current places, somewhere like Panama (free cinema woop), Mexico, Costa Rica or Madeira, or perhaps even a coastal African country.

    40 years from now though I imagine those places won’t be taking retirees so readily.

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