TL;DR!: Advice on partner unwilling to commit to household and family and who has placed me in a dire financial situation

I (33F) and my partner (46F) have been together for 7 years. Boyfriend and girlfriend for 5 years and living together for 4 years. We have a 2y5m baby boy who is the love of our lives. He was not planned.

I had some health issues and my pill failed due to the medication I was on. I had a very difficult and complicated pregnancy, especially with the first covid wave and several physical and mental issues. I’m a freelancer and have a small business in my field.

When I got pregnant, I had just gotten a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s Degree and had 7 people working with me in my company.

My partner has a very high salary at a big big company, with a lot of benefits. Even so, my income was higher than his on good months and I had a healthy financial life.

When we found out I was pregnant I had a good health insurance, but his was better. He suggested signing a “stable union” (sort of a common law marriage) to put me in his insurance. I didn’t think it was necessary, as I already had a good insurance. It was also not something I wanted to do “just because”. I would rather get married. He knew that and was adamantly against it, as he has been married twice (no kids – our son is his first and only kid). I accepted this, despite feeling hurt.

Excepting the crib and a few home renovations to get ready for the baby, I bought every thing else. You name it: clothes, diapers, tub, car seat, bouncy chair, gadgets, car seat, bottles, etc. I also paid all my OB fees, no contribution from him. All OB fees, despite my health insurance, totaled over 20k. I also had a doula and lactant consultant (+5k).

After pregnancy and baby, my career has been really struggling. I went back to work 6 weeks after giving birth.

Every single thing the baby needed was on me, as I was the only one keeping track of things: diapers, clothes, formula, everything. On top of that, I paid for everything else. Nanny, helpers, house maintenance, groceries, etc. He pays the rent and car fees.

All the mental load falls into my shoulder. He won’t even change a light bulb.

On top of that, I had severe postpartum depression and anxiety, to this date I’m still struggling with my mental health (under psychological and psychiatrical treatment).

When our baby was three months old, my finances had already started suffering with the much higher expenses. I talked to him, explained that I needed to make some cuts and that not having to pay 800 monthly towards heath insurance would help.

We decided to start the process to sign a stable union with partial communion of property. We were also looking to buy an apartment together.

During this time, we had a fight because I wanted to actually get married. Nothing big, just for the two of us. I explained how it hurt not having this connection to him, especially as the mother of his only son. I also explained that not being married felt like our commitment was somehow temporary, when I wanted to commit to our family in the long haul. We have a kid after all. And I love him, love our family and wanted this to be forever.

He got angry. Said it was non-negotiable, that the stable union was merely a formality for insurance purposes. Nothing else. He also decided that, to make things easier if we separated, we should have full separation of property in the document and that the mortgage would be only in his name.

I didn’t have the wits and mental strength to fight this at the time. I was exhausted, had a brand new baby and felt deeply hurt. So we did as he said.
Fast forward to when our baby was nearly two, my finances and company were in a dire situation.

My work had been deeply compromised by motherhood and running a household, I had to ask for three extensions to finish my MSc (which is still undergoing).

This year I had more red months than I can count and continued contributing to 60% of the house expenses, when not more.

I sat him down and explained what was going on, and if he could take over some of the expenses. Around 10% more. We also agreed to have a credit card only for our son’s stuff (clothes, diapers, etc). In the first month using the card, each and every expense was questioned and he clearly was pissed about the situation. So I decided to have a certain amount I feel comfortable paying on that card and I cover the remaining costs.

Now, 6 months later, the situation reached a limit. If I have another red month in the company, I’ll have to file for bankruptcy. I also have lost my scholarship and now have to pay 4k per month to finish my degree.

I again sat him down and explained the situation. Said we would have to make some cuts and that he would need to contribute more if he wanted things to stay up to his very high standard and expensive tastes and perks.

At first he seemed understanding, but decided that the best solution would be to cut everything that I currently pay and that makes it possible for me to (barely manage) work.

Our son we’ll no longer go to school and I won’t have any more help around the house. The thing was, I was okay with that, as long as we had a plan.

We both work from home, with a toddler, it’s a whole different picture. Who will cover all these bases? Take care of the house, cook, wash clothes, help the nanny, etc? His answer: if things stay where they belong this is not an issue. No plan, no “you’ll do this and I’ll do that”. To me it sounded like I will have to bear the brunt of the work.

During Christmas week, after all of this, I was seriously considering separation. But I realized how dire my situation is.

He has a high paying job, very stable, a house in his name. I have nothing. I’m on the verge of closing my company or going into debt, on top of my serious mental issues.

What judge will look at this and grant me even partial custody of my son? I may have thousands of people vouching for me, stating how good of a mother I am, but I know how the system works.

I’m terrified about this. He believes in corporal punishment, for example. And hasn’t hit our son because he knows I’ll never forgive him.

I have talked to him this week about this and he said that it’s my fault, that I poorly manage my time. That if I have to “micromanage” the nanny than why have a nanny.

Since our son was born he never offered me to become a SAHM. And I would love to. At least until he is 4, 5. But I don’t have a supporting partner for this. On the contrary, if I drop my career and depend full-on on him, what will happen if he wants to separate? I’ll be left with nothing I have helped build.

He will for sure question and make me justify every single purchase. He will become even more demanding on his standards. I would be treated as his employee not his life-long partner building a life together.

He has already said that mental load is BS, the true mental load is paying the bills. He is a great father and good partner, but struggles to be empathetic.

However, I still have hope. Hope to save my relationship and family. Hope I can somehow turn things around.

Is this fixable? Is this relationship salvageable? How can I turn things around?

  1. Honestly he doesn’t sound like a good partner he’s not really helped at all outside of giving sperm and being around. Seek help from family rather than going to him every time he’s not giving any solutions. I hate to say it but there’s a reason he’s been married twice and they failed and there’s a reason a man 13 years older than you has you trapped but the first step is making a plan to leave.

  2. I’m so so sorry you are in this situation. I don’t have any great advice. But I do wonder if you have any friends or family that know what’s going on.

    Your partner sounds like a misogynist and is financially abusing you. It’s ridiculous that you were shouldering the cost of raising a child and doing all the work. And when you can’t anymore, he just makes you totally drop expenses instead of pulling his weight and helping.

    My recommendation would be to fill in a trusted friend or family member that could help you find a place to stay until you are back on your feet. You and your kid deserve better than this. He’s trying to manipulate and degrade you into accepting this. My bet is he thinks it’s working.

  3. Your partner has a great gig going on—you take care of his kid, take care of him, have sex with him, and you pay him for the privilege! At least if you leave you’ve got a shot of getting child support off him.

  4. Girl, leave and get child support. He has it great right now, you’re doing all the work AND paying for the privilege. Your family is you and your son. This guy has made it abundantly clear he is not and does not want to be your family. Your family will be fine without him. He will have to financially contribute to your child whether he wants to or not.

  5. He isn’t doing anything to help you raise your child right now….what makes you think he will step up if you leave him? Doesn’t sound like he would even want 50/50 custody, let alone full custody.

  6. Wow. I’m so sorry. He’s absolutely screwed you. If you no longer want to be with him, separate and file for child support.

  7. It sounds like he contributes nothing to your life and doesn’t help with the kid or the chores so imo you’d be better off financially if you left him and took him to court for child support.

  8. Please seek a lawyer and ask what are really your choices, child support, alimony etc. He is not a good partner nor a good dad.

  9. Honestly sounds borderline financially abusive to me. I would collect as much evidence as you can to prove that you have been providing most of the income for your child, and then start talking to some good lawyers. At the very least you’ll get split custody and you’ll have more time on your hands to focus on work while kiddo is with dad.. better case scenario he’ll have to pay you child support which is better off than your current scenario.

  10. Cut your losses and get a lawyer, you have clung on to a man who doesn’t love you. He has blatantly told you he will never marry you and has shown by his actions that he doesn’t even care for you.

  11. >He is a great partner and good father…

    OP, I know you are only saying this because you feel trapped and like you have no choice but to make yourself content with the situation you are in.

    Someone else said to gather evidence of all the expenses you have been paying for. Please do so and then talk to a lawyer. Don’t just assume you have no case and your little one will be taken from you. Also, it doesn’t sound like this man wants the responsibility, considering how he has been preparing for an easy separation. I think he is taking advantage of you while he can but if you leave he may very well wash his hands of both you and your baby.

    It sounds like you are also grieving some of your hopes and dreams, marriage and a loving little family.

    I highly recommend the book *Should I Stay Or Should I Go? A Guide to Knowing If Your Relationship Can–And Should–be Saved* by JAC Patrissi and Lundy Bancroft. Get it today, it will help you find the path forward that you’re looking for.

  12. I would not be so quick to assume you have no case. You have been the primary child care provider and bearing all the costs associated with the child (which is bullshit, by the way). Those facts tend to matter in family court! You should absolutely have a long conversation with a lawyer about this but please don’t assume you’re screwed before you do your research.

    A very normal outcome here would be that you’re given full custody and he’s forced to FINALLY take some financial responsibility for your shared child.

  13. I’m not even 1/2 way through reading this and I have no doubt why he’s been married multiple times. Girl I’m not even for divorce in most situations and think people need to work shit out for the kids in most cases, but get TF out. Leave. Do whatever you have to to get out now.

  14. What is he doing with all the money he makes? Where is it going? Does he get defensive when you ask? I would have been gone after the first cutback decision you had with him. I bet he jist nodded at you and said a lot of yeahs. Am I right? I don’t think he cars about you or bub, just himself. I would leave him the second you can. You and bub deserve better. You deserve an equal partner.

  15. Jesus this shit can’t be real. If it is I feel soooo sorry for you. Please seek out help outside of Reddit. I feel even worse for your kid . You are setting the example for them on how a relationship works.

  16. As a mother- this situation is scary and he obviously doesn’t care about you, only what you can do for him. This is not normal. I have a friend whose partner doesn’t believe in marriage, has commitment issues and has been a terrible partner at times- he still pays 50% of all bills related to the child that are presented to him.

    Please, don’t say anything and see a lawyer.

    You would probably be better off single and getting child support, especially mentally.

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