[22F] [20M] Is my bf of 3 months abusing me?

I [22f] just had my birthday on Thursday. My bf [20m] came over with some presents and we spent some time together. We ended up at my favorite fast food place, Taco Bell. It’s worth noting that he had gotten me a cart for my birthday so i was incredibly h*gh.
So we walk in and things are great, he’s loving and touchy as always, dancing to the music and kissing my neck and wrapping his arms around me. We place our order at the kiosk and walk over to stand in the waiting area, he leans back on the counter and i rest my head on his chest with his arms around me.

I suffer from really bad anxiety and sometimes get a little paranoid while h*gh, so by this point i was deeply considering how we were being perceived by the people around us. I was aware that he looked grabby and i looked miserable because i was kind of freaking out (I hadn’t eaten that day so i wasn’t feeling well). This initial thought led to a hyper fixation on all the rough things he was doing to me.

Pulling me against him roughly, telling me loudly to “shut the fuck up” when i made a sarcastic comment. I did my nails earlier, nothing fancy just some full nail tips i painted with uv gel polish. He grabbed my hands and proceeded to loudly criticize them, “this one is pretty chunky,” “this one is overfilled on the side, see?”

It’s not that i mind criticism, in fact i appreciate the honesty but it was really embarrassing that he did it in front of everyone. I’m justifying everything because i do genuinely believe he’s just joking around and just lacks a filter sometimes.

Also idk if this is important but one time when he was drunk he told me the he will get in my head and manipulate me and treat me like shit but i talked him down, i thought he was just being hard on himself.

So am i just overthinking this? I’m probably gonna stay with him either way, i’m just curious if theres truth to these thoughts.

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