So we have been dating for 3 months and we spend roughly 4 hours minimum a day together, whether it be hanging out at my house over the weekend, going to each other’s classes during the day (university students), the gym, or just FaceTiming before going to bed.

She already means so much to me and It was recently her birthday and I’m coming home from Christmas/ New Years and we will be celebrating her birthday when I get back, and I was thinking it might be a good time to tell her that I love her.

I’ve looked up online and multiple websites say 3 months may be too soon or that it’s the average time when couples say it, so I’m worried about rushing things and saying it when she may not be ready to say it back (which I understand) or if it would make things awkward in the moment.

TLDR; is 3 months too early to say I love you.

  1. If you know you love her tell her. This isn’t something the internet can answer for you, follow your heart my guy

  2. If you love her (and she seems to be very fond of you) then it’s okay to be honest. ❤️

  3. The important thing is this. If you say it to her, which I think is a good idea and totally fine, do not say it with the expectation of hearing anything in return. Just say it because you mean it and feel it

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