I’m a short man at 5’4 and women have told me they find my height sexually unattractive including women a lot shorter than me. What about small height in men do you find unattractive?

  1. It’s a good thing you came here to ask! After all, every single woman on the planet has the _exact same personality_ and a thing which is true about one of them is true about all of them!! 😁 </sarcasm>

  2. Some women do, many dont. Dont worry about it, keep looking. Project confidence and it will work out fine.

  3. I’m 5ft 1 and Ngl I would be put off someone shorter than me but I don’t think a lot of woman think like that , well woman I know don’t anyway

  4. I am in between 5’5 and 5’6 (not that it matters) so it would really depend on other factors. If he had a killer personality, charm and I found him physically attractive then the height thing wouldn’t bother me too much since I value other things more. Generally I like my men my own height, and I’m flexible if their a bit taller or a bit shorter… I dated a VERY tall guy once and WILL NOT do it again. It was so uncomfortable.

    Also idk why men make jokes about their height or are self conscious about it…

    It doesn’t matter how tall you are when your both lying flat on a bed!! LOL.

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