Women who have lost their beloved mothers: how did you cope the first year after your loss?

  1. I lost my mother seven years ago. The first year was really tough because I was a first time mother, my mother passed away from cancer, I was moving to a new house, and trying to finish my master’s degree all in the same year.

    What really helped me cope the first year was having a strong trustworthy support system— partner, friends, siblings, relatives, and therapist. I still have a wonderful support group. They allow me to rant, vent, and commiserate. I still get triggered easily, especially since Mother’s Day is fast approaching.

    I hope you are doing well on your end.

  2. One step, one task, one breath at a time. For me, I had a 4 month old, a 4yr old, and an 8 yr old, so I had other things to focus on.

  3. I was 17 when she passed away and the only thing that healed me was time and knowing I could call upon my family and friends. She had cancer, but she’d had it for a very long time so me and my family knew she was going to pass away – we just didn’t know when. So in a way we had time to mentally prepare, so by the time she’d passed away, I’d already started to make peace with it. But 5 years later, I’d be lying if I said I am okay. I miss my mum more often than people realise, but it’s alright because I still have other people in my life and I’m grateful for that.

  4. My mom passed when I was 9. Idk how I coped but looking back probably should have had a therapist.

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