If a girl likes you and hates you at the same time, is pursuing the girl determined by how much you like her?

  1. A girl who say that she both loves and hate me can honestly go and fuck herself cause I’m not bringing that level of drama and complexity into my already difficult life.

    There are good women out there, but someone like this just feel toxic as all hell…

  2. Imo, if she’s doing that she’s having second thoughts. Something else or someone else is on her mind when she shuts you out like that.

  3. If she’s all over the place like that, either she’s playing games or will be way too exhausting to navigate. Likely I’d pass.

  4. I’ve met some women who ‘challenge’ people they are interested in. I think it is done unconsciously to gain your attention.

  5. It is also counterintuitive to pursue her. She will believe that she is of higher value, making you lesser value and thus won’t want you anymore.

  6. I guess it’s determined by how desperate you are. Personally I’d never pursue a girl who hates me.

  7. So I completely agree with everyone else. These two contradict, so her hating you means it’s a waste of time.

    On the other hand, I’ve heard women say playfully that ‘I hate you hehe’. If that’s the case, then the situation should be reevaluated. Otherwise, refer to above

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