How did you got out of her friend zone?

  1. You don’t.

    The friendzone doesn’t exist. If you’re in the friendzone you’re actually in the “not interested” zone. Unless you make some changes to yourself you don’t really escape

  2. I didn’t have to because it’s simply not possible to put me in the friend zone.

  3. Stop thinking about a “friendzone”. You’re just friends, decide whether or not you can live with that. She didn’t make you her friend to punish you, she thought you were a good person but she doesn’t see a future with you romantically.

  4. Stop wasting your time and move on. No human being that doesn’t reciprocate your affection is worth pursuing. It’s really that simple. The months you’ll spend trying to get her attention could be spent caressing your next girlfriend’s face.

  5. You accept that she is not interested in you and move on to someone who is interested.

  6. First of all, it’s not called “ThE fRiEnDzOnE”, it’s called **having a friend**. If you think being friends withsomeone is bad because they don’t want to fuck you, just grow the fuck up.

    Secondly, I didn’t. Still friends with many women I’ve been in love or in lust with. I just put those feeling on the back burner for a while and focus them elsewhere. Yes it can hurt for a while, but it’s worth enduring.

  7. We kinda worked together. So we just stayed work pals after she rejected me. To be fair she was in a relationship when I asked her out, but I didn’t know it. So after another year or so I left that job she I guess she was single at that time, so she added me on Facebook and within a few weeks we started dating. We’ve been together about a year and a half now.

  8. She ain’t interested dude, she already made that clear. There are plenty other fishes in the sea, just move on.

  9. If you try to “get out of her friend zone” I guarantee she won’t be friends with you anymore.

  10. You don’t. You aren’t attractive or she doesn’t view you as being able to support her.

  11. Look, you really can’t do this. It’s super rare. The percentage likelihood that a woman will change her mind once you’ve been classified as a friend is very small. But I’d say always be honest about your feelings regardless. It’ll kill the friendship but at least you’re not being a pussy which is ultimately more important than maintaining a relationship by lying to a person.

  12. I was really good friends with my wife for 8 years before the perfect storm came along and we started flirting.

    Neither of us had really considered the other as a potential mate before (although I always found her very attractive) so I guess that could pass as the “friendzone”.

    What basically happened was that we found something that we spoke about every day and then those little talks evolved into longer convos, going from friendly to sweet to flirting.

    It was a real hair-raising tightrope walk as neither of us was willing to jeopardize the friendship but we also both wanted to test out the water.

    After a some weeks of flirting we got stupid drunk, enough to throw caution to the wind and we ended up crossing some lines that friends normally don’t. After that there was a bit more tightrope walking as we figured out what that meant and if it was just a one off thing.

    So basically the start was a random set of events that aligned and we were both interested in exploring it. Then the smallest thing could have gone wrong and derailed everything and either turned us back into friends or have made the friendship to weird to be sustainable.

    It somehow panned out and we have been together for 9 years and got married last year.

  13. The only sure way to get out is to walk out the front door on your own two feet. If she is interested she will get jealous the millisecond you show interest in someone else. If not, then she don’t give AF about you and you need to move on.

    Either way, it’s time for you to leave.

  14. Find a way to drop her for like 3 or 4 months and come back into her life after you’ve been separated a while. It’ll give you another chance. Use that time to get fitter or do something interesting. This time treat her as a romantic interest and don’t treat her like a friend or fall back on old habits. If she’s still not interested then you move on. Who knows, you may find someone better in that period of time anyways

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