What are some of your experiences living alone, vs with sibling? I would like to move out.The nice thing about living alone is having all the space to yourself for what any use, but more costly of course and hear it can be lonely.

For me, living with my sibling would mean saving on rent, but then we have less space, and ensuring we get an apartment with two bathrooms, cuz well, in my mind, I think to myself, what if we both need to use the bathroom at the same time.

  1. Better get an apartment with four bathrooms though, what if both your girlfriends are visiting at the same time?

  2. Living alone is way better than with a sibling in my experience. We were both used to the bathroom situation since growing up my entire family of 5 shared one bathroom. It all depends on your personal priorities for a living space. I’m willing to sacrifice extra spending money to have a place to myself

  3. I’m not a fan of living alone. It’s nice sometimes to have full control over the environment and be unbothered and unobserved when u want to read or paint or veg out on TV or a video game or blast some music without bothering anyone, but after a while it just feels lonely to me, and I find myself going out every night, which usually involves spending money and using gas, and barely ever wanting to be home unless someone is coming over, which then the whole apartment kinda feels like a waste cuz im paying out the ass in rent just for a place to keep my food cold and sleep.

  4. Living alone can be nice because everything is 100% on your terms you can do whatever you want whenever you want. Roommates can be nice because you have built in social interaction, whereas when you live alone you really have to make an effort to get out and see people.

  5. So i live alone right now in a bigger house than the one i shared with my sister. It’s lonely. She comes over every day but i know she’ll be leaving because she doesn’t live here. My fiancee will be moving in soon anyway. Cost doesn’t matter to me. When me and my sister were living together…we lived in a huge house for just the two of us. 5 bedroom 3 bath. Never could use them all at the same time. My friend lived there for a long time, still lives there. His son, my nephew lived there with us all for a while, while his baby mama was getting the living sitch sorted out with her boyfriend (who did not have a house big enough for everyone). Ot just felt more like a home

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