There was this girl I had amazing chemistry with. We were able to talk for hours on end and had a lot of common interests. Because the first date went so well and because we already had a second date planned, I made the mistake of thinking I was in the clear and was more active with my texting. I would exchange several texts a day. I should have just cooled it and given it a few days but I didn’t want to lose that momentum. After about a week she ended things. I’m fully aware that we only went on one date and she doesn’t owe me anything.

But it’s weird. We didn’t know each other for that long, we didn’t even kiss. But I had a hard time getting over her than I did for a previous girl who I actually did date for a while and who I actually got intimate with.

I think it’s the fact that we had a lot of the same niche interests and got along so well conversationally that I might be romanticizing her in my head.

When things ended with girls I was actually with in the past, I thought “oh well, at least I loved and lost”. But when I never even got the chance to get things off the ground, I keep thinking about the potential never realized. About the what ifs.

I don’t know, did anyone else have cases like this before?

  1. Yeah it’s pretty common. I’d say a lot of us will put someone on a pedestal before we actually know them. That’s when our mind can think they are perfect for us, but they aren’t for a number of reasons (a big one being you don’t truly know who they are after just a date or two). Another one those reasons is usually that the other just isn’t as interested or invested. Keep your chin up and keep at it! You’ll find someone 🙂

  2. Yes, I’ve had it too. I think it’s like you said, you’re romanticizing them. You haven’t learned any of their flaws, so they’re perfect, or pretty close. They’ve never hurt your feelings, let you down, picked their toe nails in front of you or whatever. You’re in the infatuation stage where the feelings are most intense.

  3. Romanticizing her in your head is borderline obsession. So this is probably your imagination hoping for what never was. That said, some people just do that to you. In a certain way, they swayed your heart, you gave them a piece of your heart, clipped it onto their shoulder as they walk off. Only you notice it, only you can see it. Best to move on though, there are many more people in the world. Many new experiences waiting for each of us out there. Seek the world out

  4. Every single time, I’d rather date for a year and break up than have a guy ghost me or reject me. I can’t handle it maybe it’s because I’m conceited

  5. Yeah once I hadn’t even dated a guy. We met a few times but kept in contact for a long time and It was harder for me to move on that from some short dating periods. I think that’s because you create perfect image if them

  6. I know I have. I still do think from time to time about some paths I didn’t take for one reason or another and wondered how things would have been different if I had taken the chance to date someone instead of not dating them. I don’t really think so much about relationship that I had that ended for one reason or another too much anymore.

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