What did you end up doing during your worst high ever?

  1. Went to see Paul Blart: Mall Cop

    It was actually a great high.. I didn’t know there were bad ones

  2. Monitoring my heart beat and blood pressure, wondering if I should get help in case it would stop. Don’t take too much stimulants kids.

  3. I nearly dehydrated while fruitlessly trying to masturbate while high on way too much MDMA on my couch alone.

    I was fucked up for a week+ after that.

  4. Took shrooms and watched Spider-Man far from home. Kept panicking and having to ask my wife if what I was seeing was real. Pretty fun but also fucking terrifying when Jake Gyllenhalls eyes bulged about 6 inches out of his head mid speech to his minions. 10/10 would repeat this experience.

  5. Day 1: Lines of MDMA all night while having a naked cuddle party. Great times.
    Day 2: Lines of MDMA while masturbating for hours on end. Decent times.
    Day 3: Run out of MDMA. My brain (now sputtering in fumes) decides that taking large doses of caffeine would do the trick. Ended up hallucinating that shadow people had broken into my apartment.
    Day 4: Checked myself into psych for the weekend. Haven’t touched anything but weed or beer (very rarely) in the decade since.

    Thought about writing and producing a short film about the journey. Would be intense.

  6. One time when I was coming down from an acid trip I decided to go a bar and I ended up almost getting in a bar fight with a guy who looked a bit like tame Impala

  7. Carved up my torso and used some syringes to take blood from various veins and put it into other ones. Also for some reason I wound up covered in ink. And in Albany. It was a weird night.

  8. Shat and puked in a bathroom stall while Megadeth and Iron Maiden played a wicked show I was told. Sisters BF had laced his joint with something and I took a big hit. That fucked me up like nothing else ever

  9. Got in the bed, closed my eyes, and just suffered through the complete fuckyness.

    My mind not allowing me to complete a normal train of thought. I was “feeling” all kinds if crazy shapes and facts about the galaxy. So many profoundly abstract imaginations filled my mind to the point of me feeling overwhelmed beyond belief.

    It was weird as hell

  10. Had a really weird/borderline bad trip on LSD once, ended up quitting cigarettes during the trip. That was like 8 years ago and haven’t gone back.

  11. Not me, but my ex husband was drunk and stoned and ate some mushrooms one time while we were camping. He said we were evolving from single cells and proceeded to crumple up and destroy his glasses, said they were silly devices. He then grabbed my cheeks and said I was so pretty and literally tried to eat me. His friend threw him off me and into a bush where he took off all his clothes and started eating dirt and then branches and leaves. We left him wild eyed and naked to ‘evolve’ for a few hours. This was the first night of our 5 day camping trip. Luckily my glasses prescription was fairly close to his and I brought my contacts, so he wore my glasses the rest of the trip. Good times.

  12. it was a massive overdose. went to the hospital. if i didnt go i would have died.

    dont do meth kids

    (to be fair you did ask)

  13. I got drunk n high at a party and was depressed watching the girl I love go out and hook up with another dude at a party so I just said fuck life man put my keys n wallet on the counter and I don’t remember walking but I tried to get onto the highway to go end my life but somebody from the motel across from the highway saw me and decided to come out and just talk to me and I really don’t remember anything else the nights a complete blurr I’m doing better I guess still very sad but trying to occupy myself and keep busy

  14. Got out my public transport about 5km away from my place because I desperately wanted a piss but I was tweaking at the same time.

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