gf has a friend group back home and in that group and in that group it consists of my gf’s cousin and that cousins boyfriend. Let’s call the cousin’s boyfriend mike. I’ve met the group a few times. Mike always asks me whenever he sees me if “I’m happy to be in a relationship with gf” and when we’re in a group setting he’ll say “that I don’t look too happy to be with my gf”. This isn’t even true and I absolutely love being with my gf. He has clearly shown in my opinion that he doesn’t like the fact that i’m dating my gf. I usually reply to his remarks by saying “No, I’m happy to be with her”. I told my gf about it and she says that he says that because it’s a running joke how most of her relationships don’t last this long, but it seems like he’s just projecting his feelings on how he doesn’t like me dating her. Like it’s one thing if he says it once but he has said this to me so many times. How should I reply to him in the future? Should I ask him the same questions he asks me and fuck with his head a bit ? what would be the appropriate response to him ?

  1. Nah i would just ask my Gf if Mike ever hit on her?
    I would just start asking if his mum was single every time he asked me this question as I fancy an upgrade.

  2. Mike sounds like a hater, next time tell him to worry about himself and to mind his business.

  3. Honestly, it sounds like it might just be projection. He may be genuinely teading but it’s also possible he’s unhappy and doesn’t want to admit it. Or you’re just genuinely a bit glum looking in those group settings. If the group considers it a joke, then I’d hazard a guess throwing it back in his face would be seen as a party foul.

    Might I suggest a skosh of sarcasm?

    “You don’t look happy…”

    “I mean why would I be? I mean she’s so beautiful, and supportive, and caring and all. I mean, how could anyone be happy with that?”

    Now mind you that’s what *I* would do, but you should employ some consideration before taking this route. A bit of humor back could be seen as playful fun, but if it’s either unbecoming or looked down on I’d take a different route.

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