So after trying for a good while now, I think I’m walking away from dating.

I’ve been at the dating practice for as long as I remember… taking a shot, learning from mistakes etc. When COVID came around and turned everything upside down, I decided to go on the apps. It’s been almost two years with minimal success. I’ve made friends which is fine, but I’m looking for a relationship. On top of that, I rarely get matches.

I’m now at the point where I think it’s best to not focus on dating and put my focus onto other things in life. Maybe I’m doing something wrong on my profiles, or my pictures aren’t good enough. Or, maybe I’m just not that visually attractive? Oh well, it doesn’t matter. I plan on taking down my dating profiles shortly. From that point on, my dating status will just be “unknown.”

I don’t know when I’ll decide to get back into it, but I do know that’s it’s going to be a very long time – likely several years (and not the 1 or 2 month breaks I’ve done before).


  1. I take breaks from apps all the time. I use them consistently, get no matches, then delete. As time passes, I realize I’m never going to meet anybody organically, so I get back on the apps, get no matches again, then delete again. I love dating apps /s

  2. Always trust you gut instinct and put your health first. It is fine to shift your focus onto other priorities and ambitions that don’t involve dating.

    There are plenty of happily single people who know that they want a relationship or traditional family with biological children one day.
    But for the forseeable future prefer to concentrate most of their efforts on their: careers, carer responsibilities, education, finances, health, losing weight, improving their skillset or widening their access to useful professional contacts.
    Good luck!

  3. With dating apps being saturated with men’s profiles, women are honestly inundated with options. Because of this, your profile really needs to be of good quality, and have your pictures show your personality.

    Majority of the time, it’s not you, it’s just unfortunately how online dating apps have become.

  4. Focus on yourself. Develop your character, cultivate your spirituality, and trying experimenting with hobbies and activities. Find what makes you happy while alone and you’re liable to find a better partner than you would on any dating site.

    It seems like the future of dating will be a return to the old fashioned ways.

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