How do you deal with someone ignoring you to your face?

  1. Ignore them. Not in a childish payback way, but they obviously don’t want to interact with me, so I won’t waste my time on them.

  2. The petty answer is to talk about them like they’re not present.

    Bonus points if you say things that make them want to correct you. Tell them their favorite sports team is trash tier. Tell them that you’re better than them at their hobby. Announce that you’re picking up food and taking orders…from people that aren’t ignoring you, or announce that you’re getting them their least favorite thing unless corrected.

  3. If they’re important to me I would ask them what’s up, if they’re not important to me then I probably wouldn’t care much

  4. I ignore them back. We could be the only two people in a room but I’m not saying a single word unless spoken to first.

  5. Depends on why they’re ignoring me and the general context but, probably not engage further.

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