What is more painful than a breakup?

  1. Having someone that you know and trust betray you, especially when you’re in a position with little support.

  2. Parents not loving you as you are, friends using you only for their benefit, every one succeeding in their lives around you even though you used to get more marks than them in school……. and the list goes on…….

  3. When the numbing wears off after a csection and there’s a shit ton of staples in your body, then taking that first Postpartum shit.


  4. Realizing that you grew up in an abusive home environment and having to deal with the impact maybe for the rest of your life.

  5. Being -$2,456 in your bank account +$1,890 credit card debt knowing you’re not getting paid for another 5 days.

  6. 1. Not graduating college because you’re too dumb to finish ur thesis.
    2. Being jobless for years so you gotta swallow your pride and beg your friends for money.
    3. Losing a pet.
    4. Being homeless.
    5. Being raped.

  7. Having to cut ties with abusive parents. I’m still trying to heal nearly 3 years later.

  8. Death of a loved one, death of a pet, the end of a close friendship, dealing with a major medical situation, watching someone struggle with addiction, homelessness, war, poverty

    There’s a lot worse than a break-up. There will always be someone else for you.

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