Copy paste post from other subs, looking for advice.

TLDR: Need advice on gift giving for a friend who I cherish a lot.

So if needed, there’s history of some events regarding the girl in the situation, but there’s also been a lot going on since the last update.

But to sum it up, there’s a girl(21F) in my(20M) life who is really important to me and I can’t lie and say I haven’t caught feelings, but at the same time I don’t mind if things don’t escalate past her and I being friends because I genuinely loving having her around and I love her company and her being happy is part of what makes me happy because I consider her close to me.

With that being said this Christmas I gave her a gift, nothing too fancy just a drawing on some watercolor paper. I did have an original idea based on a cartoon I remember her telling me she loved because her daughter loves it, I was gonna redraw a scene of the mother and daughter, along with the alien(if you got the cartoon I applaud you cause now I have to go on a movie marathon) surfing a wave, and I was gonna redraw some of the major characters in the move in different portions of the page.

I ended up scrapping that original idea because I didn’t like how my concept sketches were coming out, also I didn’t want to do anything over the top in case it came off too strong. Needless to say she did love the gift I ended up giving her, she said she was gonna frame the drawing and put it up in her room.

Her birthday is early next year and I want to start this drawing now so that I can make sure it’s done with my best effort. I’m going to do the original concept and I’m thinking of getting her a gift card to a store she frequents.

Would this be too much for a gift do y’all think? Do you have any suggestions? I really like this girl and I want to gift her something that I believe she’d appreciate and cherish(kind of. I’m probably thinking of a different word, not the smartest tool in the shed)

Also ahead of time, sorry if I seem like a bot or don’t respond much, I’ve been taking a bit of a break from this app as it isn’t the best for my mental. I will do my best to respond as I genuinely want help/advice.

Edit: Wrong word used in a sentence

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