One of my New Year’s resolutions this time around is to try and lose my v-card, and I want to know how I can be clear with women that I would like to hook up with them without coming across as a creep.

I don’t want to just go up to a woman at a bar and say “Hey, wanna fuck?” I’m already shy and awkward as it is, so is there any way I can be direct, but not a perv?

  1. Imo, it’s best to just go with the flow of the conversation. You can be direct when talking with them, but you also need to be flirtatious and show that interest. Also, If someone rejects your advances, then back off and don’t pressure them.

    Lastly, I do feel that losing your virginity as a New Year’s resolution is not the best resolution. Mostly due to you pressuring yourself in the concept of sex. Focusing on something that can help improve yourself may help you have sex in the process. If not, then you still got the experience of attempting something difficult, and not pressuring yourself to have sex.

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