Dear netizens of r/AskEurope,

Firstly, a very Happy New Year. We hope that 2023 will prove to be a good year to you all.

The subreddit has reached 750 000 subscribers! That’s more people than Cyprus, Malta, or Luxembourg!

The moderator team is deeply thankful to everyone who visits and contributes to the subreddit. It’s you who make the subreddit what it is.

We can be proud of having a friendly community, which on the whole respects all regardless of their nationality or background. This is something we can be proud of. So as we look to the future, let’s retain this and [keep r/AskEurope a great place to visit](!

Other than that: if you’re interested in general conversation and community, do check out our Daily Slow Chats. We also have an [active Discord server]( Finally, we intend to hold a subreddit survey in the near future. Please do keep an eye out for that if you are interested.

Onwards and upwards,

*the moderator team of r/AskEurope*

  1. “750 000 subscribers! That’s more people than Cyprus, Malta, or Luxembourg!”

    Let us annex one of these countries, and establish our tax-free AskEurope-headquarters there!

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