I’ve been with my boyfriend for like 3months so far. I told him I had a couple of online friends I play video games with and listen to music (kpop) with. my friends are strictly online and people who live pretty much around the country. one of them I consider my bestie who i talk to about anything. I didn’t specify genders. other than that, I don’t have any irl friends. is it necessary to tell my bf upfront about my friendship with this guy and specifically mention that he is a “guy” but it’s not romantic / never was? it’s strictly platonic and my guy friend knows I am with him as i tell him. my friend lives across the country. we used to do video calls and go on discord sometimes to play games and listen to music but that’s it. those have reduced quite a bit since I met my bf. right now , we mostly stick to texting.

idk if I should say anything cause I think he will feel jealous. I even told my friend to get a gf so it’s less awkward!

1 comment
  1. You can tell him or not tell him, up to you. But you have freedom of association with whoever you want, in terms of friends. Do not compromise on that.

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