What was ruined because to many people started doing it?

  1. Vlogs. Before they were informative. Now it’s about doing Costco runs, sharing tiny things about your private life and lame things like that.

  2. Buying houses as “investment properties”.

    I moved to a new city to take a great new job. I bought a used travel trailer to live in while we got settled into my job and looked for a house.

    That was TWO years ago.

    I just want a home but every time I attend a showing or make an offer I’m outnumbered by “investors” who are basically the real-estate version of the seagulls from “Finding Nemo.”

  3. Hiking…pre Instagram I would go hiking in some pretty awesome spots and be virtually alone except for a few other hardcore hikers like myself, now there are hundreds of “influencers” and idiots playing backpack speaker music while taking pictures with selfie sticks…ugh

  4. Posting the location of outdoor hikes/landmarks.

    By doing it you saturate beautiful places with absolute d-bags who give 0 shits about taking care of the environment or throwing the concept of “Leaving no Trace” to the wind.

  5. Home flippers. They pay cash for every mediocre or slightly out of date house on the market. Many times their work is hot garbage and they try to hide any defect the house has but try their best not to fix it. Then they up the price so first time home buyers can’t afford them.

  6. Disneyland. I remember going during the week when I was a kid and it was empty. Now, the “slow” days are still extremely busy.

  7. Asking for upgrades on flights. Man oh man tiktok and covid messed this one up

  8. Pyramid schemes. Crypto growth ruined it for everyone. It used to be way easier to steal money from dumb people. Now it’s too spread out across too many different coins.

  9. Everything. There’s so many more people on the earth than there were 40 years ago. Now everything is overcrowded, overpriced, and of poor quality.

  10. Shoe collecting. All collecting hobbies really. Became the new hustle for everyone who doesn’t actually care about these things.

  11. content creators. I say this because now anyone with a working phone thinks they will become famous with their remade posts of others original posts. Fucking stop, you’ve ruined so many songs, comic skits, movies and so on 😭😭😭

  12. Any food that received the “foodie” treatment….burgers, cupcakes, donuts, etc.

  13. van dwelling, when from something simple to rich kid hipster and didnt look like it originally did

  14. The Internet as a medium for communication and education. These days, every 14 year old with an iPhone is trying to become an influencer.

    Instead of thinkers, good communicators and authentic weirdos, the Internet is now full of people vying for attention from lonely nobodies.


  15. r/bozeman

    The town is nearly impossible to live in if you make below 100k. And 100k is scraping by. The working class is disappearing and the food now is a disappointment, everyone is awful. It’s not my hometown anymore.

  16. Memes. I was browsing 4chan heavily back in 06-09, and still go on there but lurk some of the boards. But yeah, it is still surreal seeing my parents, friends, or coworkers share them, especially after having laughed at some memes for weeks or months prior to going mainstream.

  17. Photography. It used to be a specific skill that took talent and knowledge. It still is except now I can download and an app and make things that impress others.

  18. Protests, now most (general working class public) sees them as a nuisance instead of a cause of good

  19. Mushroom foraging is going that direction.

    But until then… I dunno, playing Nickleback?
    They aren’t a particularly good band but they aren’t as horrible as people like to say they are. They just got way the fuck overplayed in the early 2000s

  20. Airbnb. When it first started it was very affordable. Now it can be more expensive than hotels.

  21. This might be dumb, but I got a puppy almost 3 years ago and we named her Wednesday..

  22. Lord of the rings.

    Not necessarily ruined, but since all the normies and tik-tok types have gotten into it, lore discussion, and recent adaptations, have descended into 14 year old Wattpad fanfiction levels.

  23. Damn, this thread makes you very depressed , and every answer is so goddamn right, too. The world is in such a slump right now – and things won’t improve. One thing is clear though: killing off social media would benefit the whole world.

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