Fellow women who are married or underwent any other kind of official coupling ceremony, what was your wedding/ceremony day like?

  1. It was really nice, his family and friends with my friends at a local church and it was nice. It’s like butterflies in stomach and it was weird that I had to stay away from him up until the ceremony. I’m just happy he was willing to do it at a church even though he’s not religious

  2. Woke up and got my hair and makeup done, went to my MILs and got my dress on

    Had my family and his family at out local church

    We had a lovely ceremony in the sermon hall and it was followed by a nice and casual reception in the churches gathering hall.

    My husband and I had our honeymoon at a lovely and high end hotel close to home and spent the night relaxing and had a lovely dinner with a view of our cities inner harbour.

    The next day we all had our friends and family meet us at the hotel for breakfast and then had our gift opening at my MILs. It was the perfect weekend

  3. Super simple/relaxed and exactly how we wanted it.
    My husband was married previously, that was a “proper” wedding, very traditional.

    Had I wanted a big wedding he would have gone for it.

    However I never found I had big wedding dreams growing up.

    So we got married at a registration office and then hired one of our favourite restaurants that does traditional Mexican food with a fancy flare.

    We didn’t have entertainment, we didn’t have a band or DJ.
    The restaurant was able to hold 38 people, so that’s exactly how many we had.

    The restaurant did cocktails and had a mixologist who loved spending the evening making guests custom drinks.

    The sit down meal was the main event, no rushing, we had one big long table for all our guests to sit at and the food was absolutely amazing. I’ve had people still telling me it’s the best food they’ve ever had at a wedding.

    Other than that we mingled with our friends and it was just a relaxed evening in a bar vibe.

    We managed to properly talk to all our guests, and they all mingled so well, I’ve never been to a wedding where strangers have so easily mixed and gotten on, usually they stick to just the people they know and occasionally venture out to be polite to strangers.

    (If you’re interested in what the venue looked like I have pics posted)

    I wouldn’t have had it any other way. And surprised myself by wearing an actual wedding dress. I honestly hadn’t planned to.

  4. Woke up, our friends had already arrived the night before and were around that morning.

    Showered and had my 2 female friends helping me dress and doing my hair/make up.

    Put my coat on, made sure we had everything and the 6 of us drove to the courthouse.

    The lady there gave a pointless speech which she decided to do eventhough we told her beforehand that we do not want that. I didn’t really listen though, I was busy having a crush on my almost-husband while our friends took some pics.

    Exchanged rings, kissed, left the building as husband and wife. Went home with our friends, changed back into comfy clothes, played boardgames and had dinner together.

  5. I can’t remember much of that day anymore except.

    1. The weather turned out perfect and I wish I would have stuck with my plan to have it outside 😂

    2. He was my best friend and everything I could have wanted in a partner. It sucks it ended in divorce because we grew apart.

    3. The photos are still great to look back on and showed how happy all of us were- me, him, family, some of the silly moments etc

  6. It was a normal day. Just my now husband, my dad, the justice of the peace and I in a tree house that’s been spray paint tagged multiple times over. I didn’t want a huge wedding. Just words said to officiate. I am happy we are married, and I’m happy I will never have a big wedding.

  7. We did a little ceremony at the local hall thing followed by a big dinner for family/friends. We’re really not wedding people though, it’s kind of fund and really really boring, I get why some people like them but I just can’t do that kind of stuff for longer than 1 hour tops before I’m just really done. If we’d had our way we would have just eloped but a lot of people, parents in particular take that really personally.

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